Overview of Enhanced Talent and Model Profiles

Unlike most objects that support bulk-loading by HCM Data Loader, talent and model profiles are highly configurable. How you load data, what sections are applicable and how attributes are validated depend on the configuration of person or model profile.

Use the Profiles work area to review the configuration of the person talent and model profiles you’re bulk loading data for. Use the View Business Objects task in the Data Exchange work area to review and map the attributes to section content properties.

To upload talent and model profiles data download:

  • Enhanced Talent Profile business object
  • Translation objects: Enhanced Talent Profile Translation, Talent Model Profile Extra Info Translation, and Talent Bookmark Translation to create or update translations for certain profile attributes.

Sections and Ratings

The Enhanced Talent Profile object hierarchy is complex. It provides a separate component for each content section and talent rating applicable to person talent and model profiles, such as Areas of Study, Languages, and Talent Score.

Some components are only applicable to person talent profiles while others are only applicable to model profiles. Review the guidelines for each profile type. However, the shape of the profile depends on the configuration of the profile.

How to Identify Applicable Sections

  1. Navigate to Profiles > Profile Types.
  2. Click on the type of profile, such as person, job, position, or organization.

  3. The Content Sections table lists the sections configured for the type of profile. Only sections that are active here can be bulk-loaded.

    Note: The template name of each section matches the name of the Enhanced Talent Profile component used to load that section. For example, the Degrees section uses the Education template, so use the Education component to bulk load data for the Degrees section.
  4. For person profiles, the Profile Talent Ratings table lists ratings that are available for the person talent profile. Not all of these can be loaded using HCM Data Loader.

  5. For job, position and organization model profiles, additional information such as description, responsibilities, qualifications, and criticality can be loaded.

    Note: The description, responsibilities, and qualifications can be loaded using the Model Profile Extra Info component in the Enhanced Talent Profile object hierarchy. Criticality information is loaded using the Model Profile Criticality component.

Section Context

A section template can be used to create multiple sections, so when you load data you must define which section your data is for.

The SectionContext attribute is found on all section-related components in the Enhanced Talent Profile object hierarchy. To find the value used to uniquely identify each section:

  1. Navigate to Profiles > Profile Types.

  2. Click on the type of profile, such as person, job, position, or organization.

  3. Click on the name of the section.

  4. Scroll down to below the Content Section Properties table.

  5. The value of the DFF Context Code should be supplied to the SectionContext attribute.

Section Properties

Each component in the Enhanced Talent Profile object hierarchy provides all attributes supported by a section. However, your person or model profile might only enable a subset of these. To identify the supported properties:

  1. Navigate to Profiles > Profile Types

  2. Click on the type of profile, such as person, job, position, or organization.

  3. Click on the name of the section.

  4. Review the properties in the Content Section Properties table.

    The property label in this table will usually match the HDL attribute label. However, when content items validation is supported, multiple attributes are often available to provide the property value, either as a free text value or to reference the content item.

  5. Field Type Validation
    Item Value Set

    Validated with a content type value set, which is named in the Value Set Name column.




    Numeric value


    Date, which needs to be supplied in a specific format

    Lookup Validated with a lookup, which is named in the Value Set Name column.
    List of Values Validated by a different type of list of values. This might be a rating model, usually identified by the value set name, such as Language Rating Model.

    How to find valid values for the different field types is explained below.

    If you supply attribute values for properties not applicable to your section, they might still be loaded. The values aren't visible on the user interface.

Content Items

Preconfigured content sections often use content items to validate the content properties, for example, the language, education establishment, or honor. When you create your own sections, you can choose to use a content item, or a free-text field. Many components in the Enhanced Talent Profile object hierarchy offer both options; a free-text attribute (CompetencyName, LanguageName, and so on) and attributes to capture the content item (ContentItemId or ContentItemName).

Some Enhanced Talent Profile components have multiple references to content items so attribute names might vary. For example, the Education component supplies attributes to reference the education content item but also the educational establishment. Always refer to the attributes labels and descriptions using the View Business Objects task for clarification.

To review valid content items in Item Catalogs:

  1. Navigate to Profiles > Item Catalogs.

  2. Select the section template name and specify the item catalog name.

  3. Click Search.

  4. Click on the item catalog name to review the list of content item names that can be supplied to the ContentItemName attribute.

Rating Models and Levels

Many sections enable you to record ratings. Ratings have two parts; the rating model and the rating level. If you’re supplying a rating level, you must also specify which rating model the level is using.

To find the rating model used to validate a rating level:

  1. Navigate to Profiles > Profile Types.

  2. Click on the type of profile, such as person, job, position, or organization.

  3. Click on the name of the section.

  4. Review the properties in the Content Section Properties table. The value set name generally has a suffix ‘Rating Model’ for properties validated by rating models and levels. You might notice some difference here for custom rating models that don't follow the naming standard.

The value displayed in the Value Set Name column isn’t the value you supply when bulk-loading data. To find the rating model code:

  1. Navigate to Profiles > Profile Rating Models.

  2. Search for the name seen in the Value Set Name column for the Content Section property.

  3. Supply the code, such as PERFORMANCE, RISK, or LANGUAGE to the rating model code attribute.

    Tip: The RISK rating model is used for model profile criticality.

To find the valid rating levels:

  1. Click on the rating model and click Edit.

  2. Scroll down to the Rating Levels tab.

  3. Supply the rating level value.

    Tip: Use the View Business Objects task to find the name of the attributes used to supply the rating model and rating level. Review the user key of attributes that refer to the RatingLevel integration object name.


When a content section property has a field type of Lookup, the Value Set Name column specifies the lookup type. To find the valid lookup codes for a lookup type:

  1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance.

  2. Search for and click on the Manage Common Lookups task.

  3. Search for the lookup using the lookup type.

  4. Select the correct lookup type from the Search Results table.

  5. Supply any of the lookup codes to the lookup validated attribute.