Summary Level Balances for Canada

Summary level balances are those balances that are associated with a grouping of other balances, or a total of other balances.

They are associated with a primary or secondary classification that relates to the elements. The primary or secondary classification contains an associated balance name that is named the same as the classification. For example, under the Involuntary Deductions primary classification, the secondary classification of Garnishments exists, as does the balance of the Garnishments and Involuntary Deductions. If balances at these levels are required by the customer, the balances associated with these classifications may be initialized. For example, the ‘Pretax Deductions’ balance may require initialization, which may be the balance for all the elements whose classification is Pretax Deductions. Similarly, the ‘Union Dues’ balance may require initialization, which may be the summary level balance for the Pretax/Union Dues primary/secondary classifications.

If you are initializing these element level balances, only that specific balance will be initialized. Summary level balances are not initialized automatically. For example, if you are initializing ‘Company X Union Dues’, the summary level balances of ‘Company X Union Dues’ or ‘Pretax Deductions’ are not automatically initialized when the element level balance is initialized. In order to initialize these summary level balances, you have the option to initialize summary level balances along with the other balances, or you must manually add additional balance feeds to the summary level balances.

Secondary Classification Balances

This table contains all the secondary classification balances that are associated to the primary classification elements that may be initialized.

Note: Do not create elements or balances with the exact same name as the summary level balances as this causes conflict when the process tries to derive the balance feeds for the initialization elements.

Involuntary Deductions

Secondary classification balances for the Involuntary Deductions primary classification:

Secondary Classification Balance Dimension
Garnishments Relationship Tax Unit, Province, Statutory Report Type Year to Date
Maintenance and Support
Tax Levy

Nonpayroll Payments

Secondary classification balances for the Nonpayroll Payments primary classification:

Secondary Classification Balance Dimension
Expense Reimbursement Assignment Tax Unit Year to Date

Pretax Deductions

Secondary classification balances for the Pretax Deductions primary classification:

Secondary Classification Balance Dimension
Registered Retirement Plan
Note: Balance is Pretax Registered Retirement Plan
Relationship Tax Unit, Province, Statutory Report Type Year to Date
Union Dues
Note: Balance is Pretax Union Dues

Standard Earnings

Secondary classification balances for the Standard Earnings primary classification:

Secondary Classification Balance Dimension
Overtime Relationship Tax Unit, Province, Statutory Report Type Year to Date
Statutory Holiday

Supplemental Earnings

Secondary classification balances for the Supplemental Earnings primary classification:

Secondary Classification Balance Dimension
Awards and Prizes Relationship Tax Unit, Province, Statutory Report Type Year to Date
Benefit Plan Credits
Jury Duty Pay
Pay in Lieu of Notice
Pensions and Annuities
Retiring Allowance Non-taxable
Retiring Allowance Taxable
Sick Pay
Vacation Pay

Taxable Benefits

Secondary classification balances for the Taxable Benefits primary classification:

Secondary Classification Balance Dimension
Board and Lodging Relationship Tax Unit, Province, Statutory Report Type Year to Date
Gifts and Awards
Group Term Life Insurance
Personal Use of Company Car
Provincial Medical
Private Health Services Plan
Registered Retirement Savings Plan

Voluntary Deductions

Secondary classification balances for the Voluntary Deductions primary classification:

Secondary Classification Balance Dimension
Benefits Relationship Tax Unit, Province, Statutory Report Type Year to Date
Employer Reimbursements
Professional Fees
Voluntary Registered Retirement Plan
Union Dues

Primary Classification Balances

Summary level balances also exist for primary classifications that may require initialization. For example, the ‘Pretax Deductions’ balance may require initialization, which may be the balance for all the elements whose classification is Pretax Deductions.

This table contains all the primary classification balances that are associated to the primary classification elements that may be initialized.

Primary Classification Balances Dimension Definition
Absences Relationship Tax Unit, Province, Statutory Report Type Year to Date Total of all elements whose classification is Absences.
Deductions Total of all elements whose classification is Pretax Deductions, Employee Tax Deductions, Involuntary Deductions, and Voluntary Deductions.
Employer Liabilities Total of all elements whose classification is Employer Liabilities.
Employee Tax Deductions Total of all elements whose classification is Employee Tax Deductions.
Employer Taxes Total of all elements whose classification is Employer Taxes.
Involuntary Deductions Total of all elements whose classification is Involuntary Deductions.
Non-payroll Payments Total of all elements whose classification is Nonpayroll Payment.
Pretax Deductions Total of all elements whose classification is Pretax Deductions.
Standard Earnings Total of all elements whose classification is Standard Earnings.
Supplemental Earnings Total of all elements whose classification is Supplemental Earnings.
Taxable Benefits Total of all elements whose classification is Taxable Benefits.
Voluntary Deductions Total of all elements whose classification is Voluntary Deductions.