Effective-Date Reporting for HCM

The ability to report as of a specific date depends on whether you're reporting on event-type measures or non-event type measures.

Event-Type Measures

Event-type measures in Transactional Business Intelligence are those that include a time dimension, or specific date associated with them. Examples include assignment events, absences, and performance. Because these measures have specific dates associated with them, you can run queries against them as of a specific date. You can produce trend reports for any subject area that has the time dimension, meaning any subject area that contains event-type measures.

Non-Event Type Measures

Non-event type measures don't have a specific date associated with them. Examples include headcount and salary. Transactional Business Intelligence is designed to report on non-event measures as of the current date. To report on non-event measures as of a specific date, add a prompt for the date to your analysis. And, add this SQL statement to the analysis: SET VARIABLE PARAM_EFFECTIVE_DATE='@{AsOfDate}';