How You Configure Default Values for Spreadsheet Attributes

When you design a spreadsheet template for bulk data loading using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader, you can specify default values for attributes. This topic describes the ways in which you can specify default values.

Specifying Default Values for Date Attributes

This table describes the options for specifying default date values.



Specified date

Using the date editor, select a date.

Load date

Use the date when the spreadsheet row is loaded.

Existing selected attribute

Select another date attribute to supply the default value. The attribute must be in the Selected Attributes section of the Design page.

Use expression

Supply a Groovy expression to derive the default value.

For example, to set the default value of a date attribute to the load date:

  1. Select the attribute in the Selected Attributes section of the Design page of Spreadsheet Templates and click Edit.

  2. In the Edit dialog box, set Default Value to Value and select Load date from the list.

Specifying Default Values for Attributes Other Than Dates

This table describes the options for specifying default values for attributes other than dates.



Constant value

Enter the default value.

Existing selected attribute

Select another attribute of the same data type to supply the default value. The attribute must be in the Selected Attributes section of the Design page.

Use expression

Supply a Groovy expression to derive the default value.

Supplying Groovy Expressions

Using Groovy expressions enables you to manipulate other attribute values to provide a default value. To specify a Groovy expression to derive a default value:

  1. Select the attribute in the Selected Attributes section of the Design page and click Edit.

  2. In the Edit dialog box, set Default Value to Value and select Use expression from the list.

  3. Enter the expression in the text area and click Validate to ensure the expression is valid.

Hiding Attributes

You may want to hide attributes that have default values so that spreadsheet users aren't aware of them. To hide an attribute, edit it in the Selected Attributes panel on the Design page of the template. In the Edit dialog box, deselect the Visible option.