How You Load and Maintain Translated Objects

In environments where multiple languages are enabled, you can use HCM Data Loader to upload translated objects.

You specify the character set of the data file by naming any Java-supported character set on the File Character Set configuration parameter. The default character set is UTF-8.

Loading Translated Objects

Loading translated objects is a two-stage process:

  1. You create the object by loading the base-language version. At this stage, translation records are created for all enabled languages, but they hold base-language versions of any translatable values. For example, if US English is your base language, then translation records hold US English versions of translatable values.

  2. You load the translated values as corrections to the base-language object. To perform this step, you use data-file templates that are provided specifically for translation. One translation data-file template is provided for each business-object component that includes translatable values.

For example, you may create the Sales Manager job in an environment where US English is the base language. If French, German, and Spanish are also enabled, then the object is created as shown in this table.


Source Language

Job Name

US English

US English

Sales Manager


US English

Sales Manager


US English

Sales Manager


US English

Sales Manager

Once this object exists, you can load a single translation data file (JobTranslation.dat) to correct the French, German, and Spanish versions of the job name. Alternatively, you can load a translation file for each language if you prefer. You can deliver translation files either in the same .zip file as the original object or separately. However, you can't deliver them before the base-language object exists.

Updating Translated Data

To update existing translated data, you can upload just the relevant translation file, provided that the object isn't date effective.

You must also update the base-language object if:

  • The object is date effective.

  • The object currently has no date-effective record with the same effective start date as the new translation value.

This requirement exists to ensure that the effective dates of the base-language and translation objects remain the same.

You can't delete translation objects in isolation. Translation objects are deleted automatically when you delete the associated object. For example, when you delete a Job Family object any associated translation objects are deleted automatically.

Translation-File Discriminators

Unique file discriminators exist for the translation files and are identified in relevant files. For example, the file discriminator for the file JobTranslation.dat is JobTranslation.

This example shows a Job.dat file followed by the associated JobTranslation.dat file.

MERGE|Job|EBS-UK|JB2ACC44|2010/01/01|2014/04/04|ACADM|Accounts Administrator|A
MERGE|Job|EBS-UK|JB2ACC44|2014/04/05|4712/12/31|ACADM|Accounts Clerk|A
MERGE|JobTranslation|EBS-UK|JB2ACC44|2010/01/01|2014/04/04|ES|Administrador de Cuentas
MERGE|JobTranslation|EBS-UK|JB2ACC44|2014/04/05|4712/12/31|ES|Cuentas Clerk