Manage Spreadsheet Business Object Access

Perform the Spreadsheet Business Object Access task to enable selected roles to create and import spreadsheet templates for selected business objects. You can secure this access by either role or business object:

  • To secure access by role, you select a single role and assign one or more business objects to it.

  • To secure access by business object, you select a single business object and assign one or more roles to it.

This topic describes both methods. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following for your offering:

  • Functional Area: HCM Data Loader

  • Task: Spreadsheet Business Object Access

Securing Access by Role

To secure access by role, follow these steps:

  1. On the Spreadsheet Business Object Access page, select the By Role option in the page title.

  2. In the Job and Abstract Roles section of the page, enter the name of the role in the Role query-by-example field and press Enter. For example, enter Compensation Administrator Custom.

  3. In the results, select the role.

    The Assigned Business Objects section title is updated automatically to include the role name.

  4. In the Assigned Business Objects section, select an entry in the Assign menu.

    If you select Assign Individual Business Objects, then:

    1. Search for and select the business objects in the Search and Select Business Objects dialog box. For example, search by the Compensation product area and select specific objects.

    2. Click Add to add the selected business objects to the role. An entry appears in the Assigned Business Objects section for each selected business object.

  5. If you select Assign All Business Objects in a Product Area, then:

    1. Select the product area in the Select Product Area dialog box. For example, select Compensation.

    2. Click Add. A single entry appears for all compensation objects in the Assigned Business Objects section.

  6. If you select Assign All Business Objects, then a warning message appears. Click Add to close the warning and continue. A single entry appears for all business objects in the Assigned Business Objects section.

  7. Click Save.

Users who have the selected role can now create and import spreadsheet templates for the selected business objects.

Securing Access by Business Object

To secure access by business object, follow these steps:

  1. On the Spreadsheet Business Object Access page, select the By Business Object option in the page title.

  2. In the Business Object section of the page, enter the name of the business object in the Business Object query-by-example field and press Enter. For example, enter Job.

  3. In the results, select the business object.

    The Assigned Roles section title is updated automatically to include the object name.

  4. In the Assigned Roles section, click the Add icon.

  5. In the Search and Select Roles dialog box, search for and select one or more roles. For example, select Human Resource Specialist Custom.

  6. Click Add.

    An entry appears in the Assigned Roles section for each of the selected roles.

  7. Click Save.

Users who have the selected roles can now create and import spreadsheet templates for the selected business object.