Set Spreadsheet Template Parameters

In a spreadsheet template, you can set parameters that control the processing of all spreadsheets generated from the template. Any values that you specify in a spreadsheet template override equivalent enterprise settings. This topic explains how to set spreadsheet template parameters.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the Define page in the Manage Spreadsheet Templates task flow.

  2. In the Template Parameters section, click the Add icon.

  3. In the Search Template Parameters dialog box, either enter a parameter name or select a category and click Search. This table lists the parameters and their categories.




    Enterprise Default Value

    Enable Audit Data


    Specifies whether audit data is captured when audit is configured for business objects loaded from generated spreadsheets.


    Enable Incremental Load Events


    Enable events to be triggered for the data supplied.

    Caution: Enabling load events will significantly increase the time it takes for your data to load.


    Enable Automatic Extended Data Set Retention

    Scheduling Default

    Determines whether data sets for business objects that support validate or rollback are automatically retained beyond the standard retention period.


    Purge Audit Data

    File Definition

    Specifies whether audit data is purged for objects successfully loaded or updated from the spreadsheet.


    Maximum Concurrent Threads for Load


    The maximum number of threads to be used concurrently to load spreadsheet data.


    Calculate Worker Full-Time Equivalent

    Scheduling Default

    Specifies whether to calculate automatically the full-time equivalent value of the working hours on a worker assignment.

    This parameter applies to templates for the Worker object only.


    Create Worker Default Work Hour Pattern

    Scheduling Default

    Specifies whether to create default working hour patterns automatically for workers loaded without working hour patterns.

    This parameter applies to templates for the Worker object only.


    Date-Effective Update Mode

    Scheduling Default

    When set to Replace, specifies that the data in spreadsheets replaces any existing data in Oracle HCM Cloud. When set to Retain, specifies that any existing future-dated changes are retained.


    Initiate Business Object Post Processing

    Scheduling Default

    Specifies whether to run processes that are configured to run automatically after the object is loaded.


    Maximum Percentage of Load Errors

    Scheduling Default

    The percentage of business object instances in error that can occur for a business object before the validation and load processes stop.


    Oracle Search Index Update Mode

    Scheduling Default

    Determines how changes are ingested by the Oracle Search indexes.

    Caution: Only set this to Real-time ingestion when spreadsheets generated from the template load small volumes that require an incremental update of the Oracle Search indexes.

    Bulk ingestion

  4. In the search results, select a parameter and click OK. The selected parameter appears in the Template Parameters section.

  5. Enter or select a value for the parameter, as appropriate.

  6. Repeat from step 2 for additional parameters.

  7. Either click Save and Close or select a different page in the task flow.

You can set parameters to support each template's use case. For example, you can set Date-Effective Update Mode to:

  • Replace, in a spreadsheet template for loading new hires

  • Retain, in a spreadsheet template for updating worker records

Tip: You can set spreadsheet parameter values for the enterprise on the HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Parameters tab of the Configure HCM Data Loader page.

If you'd like to import and activate spreadsheet templates from the HCM Resource Center on Cloud Customer Connect, please see this tutorial: Import and Activate Spreadsheet Templates from the HCM Resource Center on Cloud Customer Connect,