The METADATA Instruction

The METADATA instruction in an HCM Data Loader data file identifies a business-object component and its attributes. The attributes are those for which you're including values in the data file.

Instruction Format

The METADATA line has this format:


For example:



These restrictions apply to the METADATA instruction:

  • The METADATA line must appear before the MERGE or DELETE data line to which it relates.

  • You can include multiple METADATA lines in a single data file. However, each line must be for a different business-object component. For example, in a Job.dat file, you can include METADATA lines for the Job and Job Valid Grade components. However, you can't include two Job METADATA lines.


Each METADATA line must:

  • Include a valid discriminator for the object that's identified in the data file name. For example, in a Job.dat file, the METADATA line must include one of these discriminators: Job, JobGrade, JobEvaluation, JobExtrainfo, and JobLegislative.

  • Be unique in the file. That is, you can't provide multiple METADATA lines for the same discriminator in a single data file.

    For example, having two METADATA lines for the JobGrade discriminator in the same data file is invalid.

  • Include only valid attributes for the discriminator. Attribute names are case-sensitive, but they can appear in any order.

  • Include the attributes for at least one of the supported key types. For example, if you're using source keys to identify a record uniquely, then you must include SourceSystemOwner and SourceSystemId attributes in the METADATA line.

HCM Data Loader business-object templates include METADATA lines with all available attributes for each component of a business object.