Efficient Processing of Large XML Files in BI Publisher

When large XML files are generated by Extracts that are processed and formatted in BI Publisher, processing efficiency can be improved to minimize or avoid failures by using chunking option supported by Extracts and BI Publisher.

The following steps explain the configuration of chunking option for Extracts using BI Publisher formatting option.

Prerequisite: You need BI Administrator privilege to complete the configuration.

  1. Under My Clients Group, click Show More in the Quick Actions. Navigate to Payroll > Payroll Process Configuration.

  2. Edit the process configuration group that you use or create a new process configuration group and add the parameter Split and Process large XML output. Set the default value to Y. You'll use this process configuration group for running your Extracts and for processing the XML file efficiently using chunking in BIP.

  3. Navigate to the Extracts Definitions page from the Data Exchange work area.

  4. Query your extract definition and ensure a threading DBI is defined for the Extracts.

  5. Make sure this threading DBI is also used as one of the attribute or data element in one of the records in the threading data group.

  6. Create a new delivery option after the threading DBI is defined and attach the BI template used for formatting in BIP. Existing delivery options that are defined before configuring the threading DBI will not use the chunking option support.

  7. Navigate to BI > Administration > Runtime Configuration > Properties and set the following properties present under Data Model node:
    • Enable Data Chunking to True

    • Data Chunk Size to 100 MB.

  8. Edit your BI report and from the Report Properties window for the report, check the property Enable Chunking in the General tab.

You can now use the process configuration group and the Extracts definition with the BI delivery option configured above to use the chunking option in BIP. You'll notice chunking related XML tags are presented in the generated Extracts XML file. You'll also see XML chunks processed by the BIP as separate outputs (interim files) from the Report Job History page in BIP.