Valid Extract Names

Oracle partner BenefiX provides valid extract names that you can enter for benefits plan types and options. You can add values to this list, as required.

Benefit Extract Plan Type Names

Valid benefits extract names for plan types:

  • 24 Care

  • Dental

  • Dental Capitation

  • Exclusive Provider Organization

  • Health

  • Health Maintenance Organization

  • Hearing

  • Long Term Care

  • Long Term Disability

  • Mail Order Drug

  • Major Medical

  • Medicare Risk

  • Mental Health

  • Point of Service

  • Preferred Provider Organization

  • Prescription Drug

  • Preventative Care

  • Short Term Disability

  • Utilization Review

  • Vision

Benefits Extract Option Names

Valid benefits extract names for options

  • Children Only

  • Dependents Only

  • Employee and Children

  • Employee and Five or More Dependents

  • Employee and Four or More Dependents

  • Employee and One Dependent

  • Employee and One or More Dependents

  • Employee and Spouse

  • Employee and Three Dependents

  • Employee and Three or More Dependents

  • Employee and Two Dependents

  • Employee and Two or More Dependents

  • Employee Only

  • Family

  • Individual

  • Not Applicable

  • Spouse and Children

  • Spouse Only

  • Two Party

  • Employee and Domestic Partner

  • Domestic Partner and Children

  • Domestic Partner Only

  • Employee and Spouse or Domestic Partner

  • Child or Children of a Domestic Partner