Evaluate Entitlement without Absence Record

Use the Evaluate remaining entitlement without absence record check box to determine how the Manage Absences and Entitlements page displays entitlements. The check box is available on the Participation tab of the Absence Plan setup page.

The following table outlines the impact of the check box on the display of information in the Manage Absences and Entitlements page:

Check Box Value

Actions Available for HR Specialist


View complete qualification plan entitlement details defined for the worker, even without an absence record

Not selected

View partial plan entitlement details of scheduled absences with different payment percentages. They can't view the plan period, qualified entitlement, and remaining entitlement.

HR specialists can view partial plan entitlements in the following scenarios:

  • Worker applied for only a single absence for the plan

  • Worker applied for multiple absences and all of the absences are falling in the same payment percentage

  • Worker applied for multiple absences and all of the absences are falling in different payment percentages

If the worker hasn't scheduled any absence for the plan, the Qualification Plans section of the Manage Absences and Entitlements page displays no plan details.