Options to Define Qualification Plans

Configure the following rules when you create an absence qualification plan in accordance with the leave policy of your enterprise:

  • Plan term

  • Plan eligibility

  • Enrollment and termination

  • Payments

Plan Term

A qualification plan term is an assessment period for which the Evaluate Absence process calculates entitlements for the total absent time recorded in that period. When you create an absence qualification plan, you must select the type of plan term. For example, you can limit the duration of the plan term to the duration of the absence.

Plan Eligibility

Associate an eligibility profile with the qualification plan to determine the set of workers who are eligible to record an absence that belongs to that plan.

Enrollment and Termination

Decide when to enroll workers in the qualification plan. Also, decide whether ongoing payments under this plan must continue if a worker is terminated or loses eligibility for the plan.


Use an entitlement band matrix to determine the payment percentages that apply for specific time periods during an absence. Decide how you want to calculate the payment rate of a single unit of absence. You can use a rate definition to include the calculation rules, or use a formula. For example, you want workers who have completed a particular tenure to receive specific percentage of pay for a specific absence period.

The following table shows a sample scenario:

Length of Service

Payment Rule

5 to 10 years

75 percent up to 10 absent days.

10 to 20 years

75 percent up to 20 absent days.

Decide how you want to calculate the payment rate of a single unit of absence. You can use a rate definition to include the calculation rules, or use a formula.