Attributes for Interview Schedule

This table lists the main attributes of the Interview Schedule business object and exceptions for any attribute, if any.


Field Name


Supported by LOV

AllowSameDaySchdlngFlag Same Day Scheduling Allowed Indicates if candidates can schedule an interview on the same day they're viewing the interviews on the interview scheduling page.
HasChangeLockFlag Lock Changes Indicates whether candidates can make last-minute changes in an interview schedule. If changes can be made, candidates select the duration until when changes can be made using the Interview Changes Locked Duration attribute.
HasReschdleLimitFlag Limit Reschedule Indicates whether there's a limit on the number of time candidates can reschedule an interview.
HasVisibilityRangeFlag Future Interview Visibility Indicates whether candidates can see future interviews.
IncludeIcs Include Calendar Invite Indicates whether a calendar invite can be included in an interview schedule.
IncludeJobPostingLink Include Job Posting Link Indicates whether a link to the job posting can be included in an interview schedule.
IncludeResume Include Resume Indicates whether a link to the resume can be included in an interview schedule.
Interview Type Interview Type Identifies the interview type. Possible values are candidate managed and hiring team managed. LOV_InterviewType
IntervwChangeLockCode Interview Changes Locked Duration The duration before the interview when the interview schedule is locked, and the candidate can't make last minute changes.
IntervwReschdleLimitCode Interview Reschedule Limit Code Indicates the candidate limit on rescheduling an interview schedule.
IntervwsVisibilityRangeCode Interviews Visibility Range Code The interview visibility for the candidates.
IsCancellableFlag Cancel Permitted Indicates if an interview schedule can be canceled.
IsReschedulableFlag Reschedule Permitted Indicates if an interview schedule can be rescheduled.
ObjectId Object ID Unique identifier of the requisition to which the interview schedule is associated.
ObjectType Object Type Type of object to which the interview schedule is associated. Value is always ORA_REQUISITION.
ScheduleAlmostFullNotif Schedule Almost Full Notification Indicates whether to send a reminder when the interview schedule has a low number of available interview openings.
Schedule Code Schedule Code Unique schedule code for the interview schedule.
ScheduleFullNotif Schedule Full Notification Indicates whether to send a notification when the interview schedule is full.
ScheduleReminderSent Schedule Reminder Sent Indicates whether the interview reminder has been sent.
Schedule Title Schedule Title Title for the interview schedule.
Schedule Type Schedule Type Identifies the type of a schedule. Possible values for this field are schedule, shared schedule, or schedule template. LOV_ScheduleType
Status Status Status of the interview schedule. LOV_Status
Requisition Requisition Identifies the requisition based on the requisition ID.
Schedule Owner Schedule Owner Identifies the owner of the interview schedule. The owner receives notifications related to the interview schedule.
ScheduleId Schedule ID This is a system generated primary key.

For more information on the Interview Schedule attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the Oracle Help Center.