Attributes for Worker Assignment

This table lists the main attributes of the Worker Assignment object and exceptions for any attribute, if any.


Field Name


Supported by LOV

ACTION_CODE Action Code Specifies the action performed on the particular record. For example: HIRE, ADD PENDING WORKER, MANAGER CHANGE, and so on. LOV_ActionCode
ALLOW_ASG_OVERRIDE_FLAG Allow Assignment Override Override Work Term related data. Accepts values of 'Y' and 'N'. This is set for the Work Term. Default is set to 'N' for rows representing Assignments and it doesn't change. If row represents a Work Term, then users can enter a value. N/A
ASS_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Attribute Context Descriptive Flexfield: structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. N/A
ASSIGNMENT_ID Assignment ID This is a system generated primary key. Surrogate key. N/A
ASSIGNMENT_NAME Assignment Name Describes the type of assignment or set of Terms. Users can configure how to derive this (at setup time). This is optional, by default (out-of-the-box) this is derived as follows: [job name] - [department name]. N/A
ASSIGNMENT_NUMBER Assignment Number Uniquely identifies the assignment or terms. Valid for Workers and nonworkers. Assignment Level:By default [Person Number ] - [sequence] Work Term Level:[sequence] N/A
ASSIGNMENT_SEQUENCE Assignment Sequence Used when defaulting assignment number. N/A
ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_TYPE Assignment Status Type Denormalized status of the assignment. This is derived using the Assignment Status Type ID. N/A
ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_TYPE_ID Assignment Status Type ID Denormalized status of the assignment. This is derived using the Assignment Status Type ID. LOV_AssignmentStatusTypeId
ASSIGNMENT_TYPE Assignment Type Identifies the type of record: either assignment (employee, CWK, applicant, nonworkers) or a set of Terms. LOV_AssignmentType
BARGAINING_UNIT_CODE Bargaining Unit Bargaining unit code. LOV_BargainingUnitCode
BUSINESS_GROUP_ID Business Group ID Identifier of Enterprise, used for multi-tenancy partitioning. Foreign key to HR_ORGANIZATION_UNITS. LOV_BusinessUnitId
BUSINESS_UNIT_ID Business Unit ID Determinant for 'Set Enabled' tables and those using BU as a partitioning key. N/A
CATEGORY_CODE EFF Context Extensible Flexfield Category Code N/A
COLLECTIVE_AGREEMENT_ID Collective Agreement ID Foreign key to PER_COLLECTIVE_AGREEMENTS. LOV_CollectiveAgreementId
CONTRACT_ID Contract ID Foreign key to PER_CONTRACTS_F. N/A
CREATED_BY Created By Who column: indicates the user who created the row. N/A
CREATION_DATE Creation Date Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row. N/A
DATE_PROBATION_END Probation End Date End date of probation period. N/A
EFFECTIVE_END_DATE End Date Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the end of the date range within which the row is effective. N/A
EFFECTIVE_LATEST_CHANGE Effective Latest Changes Date Effective Entity: 'Y' indicates that this row represents the latest change in the day. N/A
EFFECTIVE_SEQUENCE Date Effective Sequence of Changes Date Effective Entity: indicates the order of different changes made during a day. The lowest value represents the earliest change in the day. N/A
EFFECTIVE_START_DATE Start Date Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the beginning of the date range within which the row is effective. N/A
EMPLOYEE_CATEGORY Employee Category Based on Lookup Type = ?EMPLOYEE_CATG?: Blue collar, Civil Servant, and so on. LOV_EmployeeCategory
EMPLOYMENT_CATEGORY Employment Category User defined category. For example Full-Time Permanent or Part-Time Permanent. Lookup Type = 'EMP_CAT'. LOV_EmploymentCategory
ESTABLISHMENT_ID Establishment ID Foreign key to HR_ORGANIZATION_UNITS_F. LOV_EstablishmentId
EXPENSE_CHECK_ADDRESS Expense Check Address Determines whether check is sent to the Home or Office address. Based on 'HOME_OFFICE' lookup. LOV_ExpenseCheckSendToAddress
FREQUENCY Working Hours Frequency Frequency of normal working hours, - week, month, year. Sourced from 'Frequency' lookup type. LOV_Frequency
FULL_PART_TIME Full Time or Part Time FULL_PART_TIME LOV_FullPartTime
GRADE_ID Grade ID Foreign key to PER_GRADES_F. LOV_Grade
GSP_ELIGIBILITY_FLAG Grade Step Progression Eligibility Identifies if person is included in grade step progression. N/A
HOURLY_SALARIED_CODE Hourly Salaried Code Identifies if the assignment is paid by the hour or by a salary. Either maintained at the assignment level or Employment or Placement Terms but not both. LOV_HourlySalariedCode
INTERNAL_BUILDING Internal Building Building information associated with Work location. N/A
INTERNAL_FLOOR Internal Floor Floor information. N/A
INTERNAL_LOCATION Internal Location Additional location details. N/A
INTERNAL_MAILSTOP Internal Mail Location Internal mail location. N/A
INTERNAL_OFFICE_NUMBER Internal Office Number Office Number. N/A
LABOUR_UNION_MEMBER_FLAG Labor Union Member Labor union member option. Accepts values of 'Y' or 'N'. LOV_LabourUnionMemberFlag
LAST DAY WORKED Last Day Worked Last working day of the terminated worker. N/A
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Last Update Date Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row. N/A
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Last Update Login Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row. N/A
LAST_UPDATED_BY Last Updated By Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row. N/A
LEGAL_ENTITY_ID Legal Entity ID Represents Legal Entity. Might be null for Applicants. LOV_LegalEntityId
LEGISLATION_CODE Legislation Code Legislation code derived from the Legal Entity. Might be null for Applicants. N/A
LOCATION_ID Location ID Foreign key to HR_LOCATIONS_ALL_F. LOV_Location
MANAGER_FLAG Working As Manager Indicates whether the employee in this assignment is designated a manager. Based on 'YES_NO' lookup type. LOV_ManagerFlag
NORMAL_HOURS Working Hours Normal working hours. N/A
NOTICE_PERIOD Notice Period Notice period for the assignment. N/A
NOTICE_PERIOD_UOM Notice Period UOM Notice period unit of measure. LOV_NoticePeriodUom
NOTIFICATION DATE Notification Date Date when the termination notification is sent. N/A
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER Object Version Number Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried. N/A
ORGANIZATION_ID Organization ID Department Identifier. This is an optional field. LOV_Department
OVERTIME_PERIOD Overtime Period Overtime Period LOV_OvertimePeriod
PARENT_ASSIGNMENT_ID Parent Assignment ID Allows two assignments to be linked. Used when creating temporary assignments. Also, potentially required when converting the Applicant onto a Worker (this stores the applicant assignment ID for the worker?s assignment). N/A
PERIOD_OF_SERVICE_ID Period of Service ID Identifies the Employment Level. Foreign key to PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE. N/A
PERSON_ID Person ID Identifies person holding an assignment or a set of Employment/Placement Terms. Foreign key to PER_PERSONS. N/A
PERSON_TYPE_ID Person Type ID Defines the worker class. Examples: Assignee, Consultant, Expatriate, Agency/Temp, Intern, Apprentice, Contractor, Trainee. This defaults from the person/org relationship. It is defined at either level (Assignment or Employment/Placement Terms). LOV_PersonTypeId
POSITION_ID Position ID Foreign key to PER_ALL_POSITIONS_F. LOV_PositionId
POSITION_OVERRIDE_FLAG Position Override Override Position related data. Accepts values of 'Y' and 'N'. LOV_PositionOverrideFlag

Accepts value of ?Y? or 'N' based on 'YES_NO' lookup type. If set to 'Yes', then the current row represents the primary deployment.

Note: You can use this attribute in validation rules, but not for object defaulting.

PRIMARY_FLAG Primary Primary option. Accepts value of 'Y' or 'N' based on 'YES_NO' lookup type. If set to 'Yes', record represents the primary assignment associated to the primary Work Relationship and primary set of Employment or Placement Terms. LOV_PrimaryFlag
PRIMARY_WORK_RELATION_FLAG Primary Work Relationship Accepts value of 'Y' or 'N' based on 'YES_NO' lookup type. If set to 'Yes', then the current row represents an Assignment or Employment/Placement attached to the primary Work Relationship. LOV_PrimaryWorkRelationFlag
PRIMARY_WORK_TERMS_FLAG Primary Work Terms Accepts value of 'Y' or 'N' based on 'YES_NO' lookup type. If set to 'Yes', then the current row represents a Assignment attached to the primary set of Employment/Placement. LOV_PrimaryTermsFlag
PROBATION_PERIOD Probation Period Duration of probation period. N/A
PROBATION_UNIT Probation Unit Units of probation period duration. Based on QUALIFYING_UNITS lookup type. LOV_ProbationUnit
PROJECTED_ASSIGNMENT_END Projected Assignment End Date The date the assignment is expected to end. N/A
PROJECTED_START_DATE Projected Start Date Tentative start date (applicants). N/A
PROPOSED_WORKER_TYPE Proposed Worker Type Determines whether applicant will be hired/placed as an Employee or Contingent Worker. This represents a SYSTEM PERSON TYPE: EMP or CWK. This is also applicable for Pending Hires (workers). LOV_ProposedWorkerType
REASON_CODE Action Reason Code Specifies the reason for the action performed on the record. LOV_ReasonCodeFseniority
RECOMMENDATION REASON Recommendation Reason Reason for rehire recommendation. LOV_RehireReason
RECOMMENDED FOR REHIRE Recommended for Rehire Accepts Yes or No values. If Yes, person is recommended for re-hiring. LOV_RehireRecommendation
RECORD_CREATOR Record Creator Record created By Module N/A
REHIRE AUTHORIZER PERSON ID Rehire Authorizer Person Id Foreign Key to PER_PERSONS. Represents the person who recommends the worker for rehire. N/A
RETIREMENT_AGE Retirement Age Represents the age, worker is retiring at. N/A
RETIREMENT_DATE Retirement Date Represents the planned retirement date. N/A

This stores the user's option of revoking user access for Termination. Values accepted are I for Immediately or A for After termination.

Note: This attribute is applicable for V3 Terminations.

SENIORITY_BASIS Seniority Basis Seniority LOV_SeniorityBasis
SOURCE_ASSIGNMENT_ID Source Assignment ID Identifier (ID) of the source assignment that was used to create the assignment. N/A
SPECIAL_CEILING_STEP_ID Special Ceiling Step ID Foreign key to PER_GRADE_STEPS_F. LOV_SpecialCeilingStepId
SYSTEM_PERSON_TYPE System Person Type Derived from the person type ID. It's included in this table to aid in performance. N/A
TAX_ADDRESS_ID Tax Address ID Foreign key to PER_ADDRESSES. This represents the address that's used for taxation purposes. This can be different from a mailing address. LOV_TaxAddressId
TERMINATION DATE Termination Date Date when the worker is terminated. N/A
TIME_NORMAL_FINISH Work Day End Time Work day normal end time. N/A
TIME_NORMAL_START Work Day Start Time Work day normal start time. N/A
UNION_ID Union ID Union to which a person belongs LOV_UnionId
WORK_AT_HOME Work at Home Work at home option. LOV_WorkAtHome
WORK_TERMS_ASSIGNMENT_ID Work Terms Assignment ID Foreign key to PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_M for a work term. N/A