Debug Autocomplete Rules

You can use the Oracle Script Debugger tool to debug any issues that you encounter while implementing your rules. Let's look at the steps to configure and use the tool.

  1. Enable a sandbox to go to the Configure Business Objects task

    1. Click Navigator > Configuration > Sandboxes.

    2. Click Create Sandbox.

    3. Enter the Name.

    4. Select the Active box for Configure Business Objects.

    5. Click Create and Enter.

    6. Click Navigator > Configuration > Business Objects to configure business objects.

  2. Scroll down to your business object and navigate to the right. Click the Actions icon and select Edit Business Logic.

  3. Select the rule and edit it. Enter println("add anything about the rule"); at the appropriate line. Note that you need to enter this as the first line in case of Business Object Defaulting.

  4. Validate the script.

  5. Click Save and Close.

  6. Click Tools > Configure Business Objects from the sandbox menu.

  7. Click the Display Debug User Interface icon in the menu bar under Objects.

  8. Select the object, which you want to debug from the debug console.

  9. Navigate to the Log window.

  10. Click Clear to remove previous logs.

  11. Click Start Debugging (play icon).

  12. Create and enter a sandbox with your rule activated and ready to run in another window. Run the application flow. When the rule is executed, change back to the debugger tab of your browser to view the results.