How You Identify Business Objects in Autocomplete Rules

The first step in designing an autocomplete rule is to identify the business object, which includes these things:

  • Identifying the section where the fields to be defaulted or validated are located

  • Identifying the action to which the rule applies

Section Identification

Autocomplete Rules is a data model driven extensible framework starting with a business object. A business object can be initiated at different places in the responsive UI and has a strong correlation to a specific section in an action. The section in any responsive UI typically operates one business object at a time (there are exceptions). Sometimes, sections have the same name and therefore operate on the same business object irrespective of the action that they're a part of, for example, When and Why and Salary sections.

Sections can be named differently according to the action, but they call the same business object. For example, Assignment Details, Employment Details, Promote, Transfer, Working Hours, all call the same business object. So if a rule is written on a business object supporting these sections, the rule will trigger in all the actions it's a part of. If you want the rule to trigger for a specific action only, you need to explicitly state it in the rule using a function with an HCM Params in an inclusive or exclusive condition.

Role of Action

The same business object can be operational in different actions. Therefore, while the action doesn't determine the name of the business object, it's a good practice to note down the actions the rule applies to. Since the nature of operation on a business object can vary between actions, this implies for certain actions the rule type you want to implement may isn't feasible or needs to be rewritten.