Navigation from Salary

Here's some useful information to consider when navigating from the Salary business object, which is closely linked to the Assignment and When and Why objects.

Salary business object connections to the Assignment, Existing Salary, Existing Salary History, and When and Why objects
From Object How Row Variable Name Purpose
Salary Basis Use row variable (variant 1) Row related to Salary Basis To fetch attributes of the salary basis. Attributes of Lookup - Salary Basis.
Action Use row variable (variant 1) Row related to Action To fetch attributes of the action. Attributes of Lookup - Action.
Reason Use row variable (variant 1) Row related to Reason To fetch attributes of the reason. Attributes of Lookup - Reason.
When and Why Use row variable (variant 2) Get When and Why To fetch attributes, descriptive flexfield segments, or extended flexfield segments from the When and Why object for only the Change Salary action.
Worker Assignment Use row variable (variant 2) Get Assignment To fetch attributes or descriptive flexfield segments of the work assignment and any other object that it provides access to.
Salary Use row variable (variant 2) Get Existing Salary To fetch current salary attributes.
Salary Use row variable (variant 2) Get Existing Salary History To fetch all of the salary records.