Overview of Document Records

The Document Records business object contains details of document records created based on document types such as passport, driver's license, birth certificate and so on based on the HR_DOCUMENTS_OF_RECORD table.

This object can typically be used in these cases:

  • Defaulting document name or issuing country based on the document record being added.

  • Auto-populating fields based on the document type selected.

  • Validating date fields, invalid characters, or DFF segments.

Let's look at some examples on how this business object can be used based on the use cases listed previously:

  • Default the document name to document type plus a suffix such as First Name. For example, Passport_David.

  • Default the issuing country to the person's country for whom the document record is being added.

  • Default the From Date as the person's hire date and the To Date as current date.

  • Auto-populate fields based on the document type selected by the user, for example, if Document Type = Passport and Country = India, then auto-populate "Issuing Authority" as "Regional Passport Office".

  • Auto-populate DFF segments with data based on the document type and the DFF context you select.

  • Display a warning message if the From Date is after the current date and To Date is earlier than current date. The application won't display an error message for this scenario, as some cases require loading of expired documents.

  • Duplicate check to validate if details of the new document record being created match the details of an existing document record.

The Document Records business object impacts these responsive flows (if the Document Records plug-in section is enabled for them):

  • Add Assignment

  • Add Contingent Worker

  • Add Nonworker

  • Add Pending Worker

  • Change Assignment

  • Change Location

  • Change Manager

  • Change Working Hours

  • Convert Pending Worker

  • Create Work Relationship

  • Edit Pending Worker

  • Employment Contracts

  • Hire an Employee

  • Local and Global Transfer - Transfer

  • Local and Global Transfer - Permanent Global Transfer

  • Local and Global Transfer - Global Temporary Transfer

  • Manage Directs

  • Promote

  • Resignation

  • Terminate

  • Transfer