Person Business Objects

The Person business objects are a hierarchical collection of several smaller objects containing specific details of a person. Here's some info about the Person business objects.

  • All Person child objects' names begin with person except the Address object. The business objects are named as such to help you easily identify their contents and write validation rules.

  • The Person family of objects comprises of the Person object at the parent level and a 1 to 1 relationship between the parent Person object and the child Person Detail object.

  • The other children Person objects such as the Person Passport, Person Citizenship, Person Driver License, and so on have a 1 to many relationship with the Person object because a person may have multiple passports, citizenships, driver licenses, and so on..

The entire HCM suite of applications use these objects in different flows. The starting point for any rule is the object containing the field. You can only use the Object Validation rule type for the Person objects. You can't default values either at the object-level or at the field-level, or use the Object Field Validation rule type for the entire family of Person objects.

Person business objects

The starting point is most likely the object containing the field to be validated, but, not always. This is especially true with the family of Person objects. If your use case is to validate an email address or a national identifier, it's helpful to analyze your requirement in detail to understand what's being validated and the criteria for the validation.

For example, if your requirement is to validate the format of a national identifier, address line, name, phone number, and so on, related to 1 child object only, then you have to start with the corresponding child object. However, if your requirement is that a person must have at least one national identifier entered, with or without any additional criteria, what you're validating is the person and the criteria is having one or more national identifiers of a certain type or not. So, in this case, your starting point is the Person object and not the Person National Identifier object. The family of Person business objects is structured in way so that you can traverse to any other object to sample its values when in another object.