Guidelines to Configure Enrollment Suspensions

You configure plan enrollment suspension in the Plan Configuration work area using the Manage Benefit Plan Details task.

  1. Select the plan or option in the Plan and Options Certifications section of the plan Certifications page.

  2. Configure enrollment suspension in the Enrollment Certifications and Benefit Certifications tabs, General Configuration and Life Event subtabs.

Suspend Enrollment Check Box

If you select the Suspend enrollment check box for an action item, then event processing:

  • Displays a suspension reminder to the participant or benefits administrator during enrollment

  • Suspends enrollment in the benefit offering until the participant completes the action item

  • Applies interim coverage, if any was configured on the Plan Enrollment page

Impact of Suspended Enrollments

You can't process any life events, except terminations, for the participant during enrollment suspension. If the participant doesn't complete the action item by its due date, the action item appears in the following until the participant does complete it:

  • Close action item audit log

  • Close enrollment audit log

  • Participation evaluation error report

Configuration of Suspensions for Multiple Certifications

You can't select Suspend enrollment for an individual certification. You configure suspension for a certification requirement action item, which may include multiple individual certifications. If you configure suspended enrollment for a certification requirement with multiple certifications, participants must provide both of the following to avoid enrollment suspension:

  • All required certifications

  • At least one optional certification

Example: You create a certification requirement with two required and five optional certifications.

  • The participant must provide the two required certifications and at least one of the optional ones to satisfy the certification requirement.

  • If you configure this certification requirement for suspended enrollment, and the participant provides only one of the required certifications, event processing:

    • Considers the action item incomplete

    • Suspends enrollment