Benefit Plan Export

You can export a program, plan not in program, or eligibility profile from one environment. You can import it into other environments and to the same or different enterprises in the same environment.

Open the Export Plan Configuration task in either the Setup and Maintenance or Plan Configuration work area.

Key aspects of exporting plan configurations are:

  • Items included in the export

  • Items excluded from the export

  • Export and log files


Before exporting your plan configuration:

  • In the relevant programs or plans Search Results section, validate the program or plan not in program that you want to export.

  • In the Evaluation and Reporting work area, run the Evaluate Life Event Participation process for a sample participant in the program or plan that you intend to export.

You can compare the results of this validation and evaluation with the results for the same validation and evaluation in the destination environment.

Items Included in the Export

The export process includes the descendant objects associated with the top-level object that you select.

Exported Parent Object

Included Descendant Objects

Program configuration

Associated plan types, plans, options, year periods, legal entities, reporting groups, organizations, eligibility profiles, life events, action items, formulas, rate, coverage, coverage across plan type, enrollment authorization, and dependent and beneficiary designation

Plan not in program configuration

Associated plan types, options, year periods, legal entities, reporting groups, regulations, organizations, eligibility profiles, life events, action items, formulas, rate, coverage, enrollment authorization, and dependent and beneficiary designation

Eligibility profile

Associated derived factors, service areas, and formulas

Items Excluded from the Export

Exports of standard rates exclude:

  • Element input values

  • Extra input values

Participant eligibility profile exports exclude the following eligibility criteria.

Eligibility Category



Leave of absence, qualification, and competency


Performance rating


Health coverage selected and participation in another plan

All dependent eligibility profile exports exclude the Other - Covered in Another Plan eligibility criteria.

Related Coverage

All criteria

These eligibility criteria export exclusions apply to all exports, regardless of whether you're exporting a program, plan not in program, or eligibility profile.

Export and Log Files

You monitor the status of the Export Plan Configuration process on the Export Plan Configuration page. After the process finishes, click the corresponding Download button to open the File Downloaded dialog box.

In the File Downloaded dialog box, you can:

  • Open or save the .zip file that contains the exported plan configuration.

  • Open the log file. The log contains details:

    • About which parent or child process exported what plan configuration data, including the number of business object records

    • To help you resolve any errors encountered during the export

Caution: Don't edit the export file after you save it locally. The Import Plan Configuration process detects edits to an exported file and immediately ends, without importing the plan configuration in the edited file.