Benefits Data Attributes in a Full Extract Output File

A full file extracts these benefits data attributes during every run.

  • Plan
  • Coverage Amount Approved
  • Coverage Start Date
  • Coverage End Date
  • Plan Carrier
  • Date of Death
  • Base Salary
  • Dependent Full Time Student
  • Dependent Relationship Type
  • Employee Post Tax Cost
  • Employee Pre Tax Cost
  • Employee Total Cost
  • Email
  • Employee ID
  • Request Identifier
  • FSA Annual Target FSA Plan Year
  • Grade
  • Job
  • Home Address Line 1
  • Home Address Line 2
  • City
  • Home Phone
  • State
  • Postal Code
  • Country
  • Level Coverage End Date
  • Level Coverage Start Date
  • Level Name
  • Marital Status Middle Name
  • National Identifier
  • Original Date of Hire
  • Parent Request ID
  • Provider ID
  • Provider Name
  • Provider Start Date
  • Provider Detail ID
  • Student Status
  • Suffix
  • Termination Date
  • Tobacco User
  • Transaction Code
  • Work Address Line One
  • Work Address Line Two
  • Work City
  • Phone
  • Work State
  • Work Postal Code
  • Work Country
  • Organization Identifier
  • Marital Status Start Date
  • Department Name
  • Type of Coverage
  • Employment Level
  • Job Code
  • Location Code
  • Bargaining Unit
  • Person Number