Category Types: Explained

The compensation category type determines the table columns and general layout of the category page in the total compensation statement, as well as whether the category can include subcategories. This topic explains the category types and provides an example of a user-defined category.


The following table shows the category types with default column and configuration details.

Category Type

Default Columns


  • Benefits

  • Cash Compensation

  • Savings

  • Retirement

  • Worker contributions

  • Employer contributions

  • Description

  • Add compensation items

  • Nest categories within the category as subcategories

  • Hide columns that don't apply

Time Off

  • Type of time off

  • Monetary value of the time off

  • Accrued balance

  • Edit column labels

  • Configure category table row names as links to more information

  • Can't nest categories as subcategories

Stock History

Select columns of data from the database table that stores workers' stock details

  • Select which types of stock to include in the category

  • Alter which columns are hidden or only available optionally in statement view menu

  • Edit column labels

  • Can't nest categories as subcategories


Same basic structure as the Cash Compensation or Benefits category type

You can use it for any type of compensation


Specify the number of columns, up to five, that you want to include in the category

  • Configure column labels

  • Select compensation items for the table rows

  • Can't nest categories as subcategories

User-Defined Category Example

You might use the user-defined category type to display information about commissions by including columns, such as:

  • Sales target

  • Units sold

  • Percentage over target

  • Percentage under target

  • Commission amount