Create Extract Definition Using Benefits User Entities

You create an extract definition using these benefits user entities - BEN_EXT_ENRT_RSLT_UE, BEN_EXT_ENRT_DPNT_UE, BEN_EXT_ENRT_BNF_UE, and BEN_EXT_ENRT_RTCVG_UE.

For the purpose of this procedure, let's use a sample extract definition. Here's a figure that illustrates the hierarchy of the extract definition.Figure that illustrates a sample extract definition

Here's how you create the extract definition.

  1. Click Navigator > My Client Groups > Data Exchange.
  2. In the HCM Extracts section, click Extract Definitions.
  3. In the Extract Definitions page, click Create.
  4. In the Create Extract Definition window, complete these details. Leave the rest of the fields as is.
    Field Value
    Name A meaningful name for the extract definition, such as SIMPLE_BEN_EXTRACT_01
    Type HR Archive
    Consumer Report
  5. Click Save and Close.
  6. On the Extract Definitions page, in the row of the extract definition that you just created, click the Advanced Edit icon.
  7. On the Edit Extract Definition page, in the Hierarchy pane, click Data Group. You create a data group to associate benefits user entities with the extract definition.
  8. Create a root data group to represent the company employees; in the Data Groups section, click Create, and complete these fields:
    Field Value
    Name Employees
    Tag Name Employees
    User Entity PER_EXT_SEC_PERSON_UE. This is the user entity that represents employees.
    Root Data Group Select
    Threading Database Item Extract Person ID
    Threading Action Type Object actions
  9. Click Save.
  10. In the Data Group Filter Criteria section, click Add.
  11. Click Edit. Use the conditions and operators to create this filter criteria:
    Extract Person System Person Type = 'EMP' And Extract Person ID = 300100026493599
    Note: Use the Advanced option to enter the filter criteria directly. Include the quotation marks for EMP as it's a string data type. Don't include quotation marks for the person ID as it's a number type. The person ID is just an example in this procedure.
  12. Use the same steps as above to create another data group (not a root data group) called Benefits Enrollment Results. Associate this data group with the BEN_EXT_ENRT_BNF_UE user entity.
  13. Click Save and Close.
  14. On the Edit Extract Definition page, you need to connect the Benefits Enrollment Results data group to the Employees parent data group. In the Data Groups section, click Benefits Enrollment Results.
  15. In the Connect Data Groups section, click Add, then select Employees as the parent data group.
  16. In the Parent Data Group Database Item list, select Extract Person ID.
  17. In the Database Item list, select Person ID.
  18. Click Save.
  19. Select the Employees parent data group. You need to create a record for this group.
  20. In the Records section, click Create.
    Field Value
    Next Data Group Benefits Enrollment Results
    Sequence 10
    Name Employee Record
    Tag Name Employee_Record
    Type Header Record
    Process Type Fast Formula
  21. Click Save.
  22. Use the steps in this procedure to create these additional data groups and link them to relevant user entities, as shown in this table.
    Data Group User Entity
    Benefits Enrollments Beneficiaries BEN_EXT_ENRT_BNF_UE
    Benefit Enrollment Rate Coverage BEN_EXT_ENRT_RTCVG_UE
    Benefit Dependent Enrollments EN_EXT_ENRT_DPNT_UE
  23. Use the steps in this procedure to connect the data groups you created in the previous step, with the Employees parent data group.
  24. Create these additional records in the Employee data group. Ensure that you set each record's next data group to the corresponding Benefit Extract child data group.
    • Person Name Dependent Record
    • Person Beneficiaries Record
    • Person Rate Coverage Record
    Your setup so far should look similar to this diagram.

    Figure that illustrates the setup so far

  25. For the employee data group record, you need to configure the Person Full Name extract attribute. In the Hierarchy pane, expand the Employees data group, and select Employee Record.
  26. In the Extract Attributes section, click Create. Complete these fields.
    Field Value
    Name Person Full Name
    Short code fullname
    Data Type Text
    Type Database Item Group
    Database Item Group Person Full Name
    Output Label Person Full Name
    Output Column 1
  27. Create a record for the Benefits Enrollment Results data group. Use this table to provide values to key fields.
    Field Value
    Next Data Group Leave empty.
    Type Detail Record
    Process Type Fast Formula
    Likewise, create records for the other data groups you created.
  28. Use the steps in this procedure to create relevant extract attributes for each record.
  29. In the Hierarchy pane, click Extract Execution Tree.
  30. Click Compile All Formula. You need to click Refresh to see the current status. If the compile succeeds, you can see a green check mark beside the Status column.
  31. Click Validate to check the completeness of the extract definition you created.
  32. Click OK. You can also download the validation report to your device if necessary.
  33. Click Export XML Schema to download the extract definition as an XSD file that you will use later to create an RTF report template.