Examples of Collapsing Rules Using AND Operator

The example in this topic shows you a sample configuration of a collapsing rule that uses the AND operator. The example also shows how that rule evaluates corresponding potential life events during processing.

You create collapsing rules using the Manage Life Events task in the Plan Configuration work area.

Life Event Combination Using the AND Operator

If the following events occur on the same day, you want to collapse them to the Gain Dependent event.

  • Marriage

  • Gain Dependent

You provide the following key information to create the collapsing rule on the Create Collapsing Rule page:



Selected Life Events

Select these values:

  • Marriage

  • Gain Dependent



Resulting Event Name

Gain Dependent

Life Event Occurred Date

Earliest Life Event Occurred Date

Proximity Days


Handling of Losing Events

Void any matching life events

The following table uses different scenarios to show how participation evaluation processing evaluates the collapsing rule.


Process Action


  • Marriage event occurs on August 1, 2015

  • Gain Dependent event occurs on August 1, 2015

The process:

  • Voids the Marriage event

  • Evaluates the Gain Dependent event and assigns its occurred date to August 1, 2015.


  • Marriage event occurs on August 1, 2015

  • Gain Dependent event occurs on August 5, 2015

The collapsing rule doesn't apply in this scenario as both the events don't occur on the same day.

The process evaluates the Marriage event.

The Gain Dependent event continues to be in Detected status.


  • Marriage event occurs on August 1

  • Gain Dependent event doesn't occur

The collapsing rule doesn't apply in this scenario as one of the events doesn't occur.

The process evaluates the Marriage event.