Examples of Defining Filters for Benefits Resource Alerts

You can modify the triggering criteria for the notifications by defining filters on the resource attributes if you have the required privileges to access the REST resources.

To work with filters, edit a resource alert, such as the Open Enrollment alert. You can see existing filters in the Filters tab. You can add new ones or modify existing filters.

Delivered Benefits Filters

Here's a list of filters that are available for both the Open Enrollment alert and the Open Enrollment Reminder alert:


What does it mean?

Life Event Type Filter: ${LifeEventTypeCode} = 'SCHEDDO'

A filter that indicates that the life event type is Open.

Life Event Occurred Date Filter: ${LifeEventOccuredDate} = to_date ('01-012020','dd-mm-yyyy')

A filter that indicates that the life event occurred date is January 1, 2020.

Sample Filters

Here are some sample filters that you can use to build your own alert criteria.



Notify participants that 10 days remain for the enrollment window to end.

trunc(sysdate) <= ${EnrollmentPeriodEndDate} AND ${EnrollmentPeriodEndDate} - trunc(sysdate) <= 10

Notify participants who haven't accepted the legal disclaimer yet.

1=1 AND EXISTS (select 1 from ben_prtt_leg_discmr_actn leg, ben_pil_elctbl_chc_popl pel where pel.per_in_ler_id = leg.per_in_ler_id AND pel.pil_elctbl_chc_popl_id = ${ElectableChoicePoplId} AND leg.status <> 'A' AND nvl(${ProgramId},-1) = nvl(leg.pgm_id,-1) AND nvl(${PlanId},-1) = nvl(leg.pl_id,-1))

Stop alerts from being sent multiple times

EXISTS (select 'x' from per_email_addresses padd where padd.person_id = ${PersonId} AND padd.email_type='W1' AND padd.email_address not in (select null from fusion.hrc_alert_run_recipients hrrep where hrrep.run_message_id in (select hrmsg.run_message_id from fusion.hrc_alert_run_messages hrmsg where hrmsg.run_id in (select hruns.run_id from fusion.hrc_alert_runs hruns where hruns.alert_id in (select distinct alert_id from fusion.hrc_alerts_tl where name like '<-- Alert Name -->')))))

Sample Groovy Expressions

Here are some sample Groovy expressions that you can use in alert templates.


Groovy Expressions

Get the participant's work email address.


Get the participant's display name.


Get the participant's benefit representative


Get the Benefits Cloud login link.


Get the Benefits Self Service Employee resource link.

${AlertUtils.getURI('ORA_HCM_UIAPP','hcmUI/faces/deeplink?objType=BEN_REVIEW_EM PLOYEE_RESOURCES&action=NONE')}