Export and Import Supporting Benefits Objects Using FSM

Use the Setup and Maintenance work area to import and export the following benefits objects: collapsing rules, default benefits relationships, and rate and coverage user values.

At a high level, you perform the following steps to export and import benefits objects:

  1. In the source environment, create a configuration package using an implementation project and include the setup task related to any of the following benefit objects:

    • Manage Benefit Life Events - for collapsing life events

    • Configure Default Benefits Relationships - for benefits relationships

    • Manage Rate and Coverage User Values - for user values related to sale of vacation or sick time

  2. Export the configuration package and download the ZIP file.

  3. In the destination environment, you can select the configuration package and import the ZIP file.

Steps to Perform in the Source Environment

Complete these steps:

  1. Create an Implementation project in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  2. Add a benefits task, for example, Manage Benefit Life Events, to the implementation project.

  3. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Configuration Packages task to create a configuration package for the implementation project you created.

  4. Export the setup data.

  5. When the export is complete, download the ZIP file that contains the exported benefits objects.

Steps to Perform in the Destination Environment

Complete these steps:

  1. In the destination environment, open the Manage Configuration Packages task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  2. Search for the configuration package you created in the source environment. You might want to clear the default value that appears in the field that indicates the user who created the package. You do this to retrieve the correct configuration package.

  3. Upload the configuration package using the ZIP file you downloaded. The application replaces the existing implementation project with the details in the ZIP file.

  4. Import the setup data.

  5. When the import is complete, check the configuration page of the benefits object. For example, open the Manage Rate and Coverage User Values page to see if the data appears as expected.

You can update imported eligibility profiles in the target environment. If the data is already present in the target environment, then the update will take place if there is any change in non-key attributes. If a key attribute is changed in the source, then a new object will be created in the target environment.