Group Waive Options in the Self-Service Pages

You can group the waive options together in the confirmation and Benefits Summary page in the Self-service pages.

Only the plans and options with these setups are grouped in a separate section:
  • The plans with Waive as the plan function.

  • The options with the Waive option check box selected in the plan design setup.

Participants have waived or declined coverage by choosing the waive plans or options. By grouping these plans or options and highlighting them at the top, we can ensure they haven’t chosen to waive by mistake or oversight.

Here’s how you group the waive options:

  1. On the Home Page, click Benefits Administration > Plan Configuration.
  2. In the Tasks panel drawer, click Self-Service Configuration.
  3. Select the Display waived enrollments on the Confirmation and Summary page in a separate section check box.
  4. Click Save.