Guidelines to Select Occurred Date in a Collapsing Rule

You must select a date to assign as the occurred date of the winning life event of a collapsing rule. Select a date rule from the Life Event Occurred Date list.

You create collapsing rules using the Manage Life Events task in the Plan Configuration work area.

Effective Date of the Batch Process Run

This rule sets the occurred date of the resulting life event to the effective date on which you run the Collapse Life Events process.


  1. New Hire life event occurred on November 1, 2015

  2. Grade Change life event occurred on November 3, 2015

  3. You run the Collapsing Life Events process on November 5, 2015.

  4. The process collapses these events to a New Hire life event according to the collapsing rule logic that you defined.

  5. The collapsing rule sets the occurred date of the New Hire life event to November 5, 2015.

Earliest Life Event Occurred Date

Use this rule to set the occurred date of the resulting life event to the earliest occurred date of the evaluated life events.

In the previous example, if you used this rule, the process sets the occurred date of the New Hire event to November 1, 2015.

Latest Life Event Occurred Date

The collapsing process sets the occurred date of the resulting life event to the latest occurred date of the evaluated life events.

In the previous example, if you used this rule, the process sets the occurred date of the New Hire event to November 3, 2015.

Earliest Life Event Date or Resulting Event Date

If the resulting event is among the collapsing events in the rule, the collapsing process uses the same event date as the occurred date. Otherwise, the process sets the resulting event occurred date to the earliest date of the evaluated events.


  1. Grade Change life event occurred on November 1, 2015

  2. Address Change life event occurred on November 3, 2015

  3. The Collapsing Life Events process collapses these events to a resulting life event according to the collapsing rule logic that you defined.

This table shows how the rule sets the occurred date depending on the resulting life event.

Resulting Life Event

Occurred Date

Address Change

November 3, 2015

The Address Change event, which is the resulting event, is one of the events that you selected in the collapsing rule. Therefore, the occurred date of that event applies.

Location Change (new life event)

November 1, 2015.

The Location Change event isn't in the collapsing rule event list. Therefore, the occurred date of the earliest event, which is the Grade Change event in this case, applies.

Latest Life Event Date or Resulting Event Date

If the resulting event is among the collapsing events in the rule, the collapsing process uses the same event date as the occurred date. Otherwise, the process sets the resulting event occurred date to the latest date of the evaluated events.

In the previous example, if you used this rule, the following table shows the occurred date depending on the resulting event.

Resulting Life Event

Occurred Date

Address Change

November 3, 2015

Location Change (new life event)

November 3, 2015.


If you want to consider other employment information to determine the event occurred date, create a formula using the Life Event Occurred Date formula type.

For example, create a formula if you want to determine the life event occurred date depending on the location of the worker.