How You Generate and View the Diagnostic Reports

You need to have a job role, such as Application Diagnostics Administrator to access the diagnostic dashboard.

Here’s how you generate and view the reports:

  1. On the Settings and Actions menu in the global area, select Run Diagnostic Tests.
  2. On the Diagnostic Dashboard page that appears, in the Search for Tests section, enter the name of the report in the Test name field, and click Search to see a list of benefits diagnostic reports. You can use
  3. Click the Details icon to see the description and details of each diagnostic report.
  4. To run a report, select its check box, and click Add to Run. The diagnostic report that you select appears in the Choose Tests to Run section.
  5. If a report requires input parameters, an alert icon appears. Click the icon to specify the parameters.
  6. Click Run.
  7. In the Diagnostic Test Run Status section, click the Refresh icon to get the latest status of the report.
  8. When the execution status shows Completed, click the Report icon to view the report.