How You Troubleshoot Common Issues in Temporal Event Setup

Here are some common issues and workarounds when you set up and use temporal events.

Issue How to Troubleshoot
Temporal events aren't detected If this is the first time, you need to run the administrative life event process. Then run the temporal life event processes to establish a baseline for temporal calculations to start detecting temporal events.
Derived factors added or updated after go live Some organizations don’t initially have any temporal setup when they go live, but they set them up later, including derived factors. This might result in the application not detecting temporal life events.

Run the Administrative life event processes to set the latest temporal event data.

Life events aren't being detected

Check your life event setup, especially for any updated predefined events, or events you created. Make sure that these fields are blank:

  • Temporal Detection Rule
  • Timeliness Period
  • Timeliness Period Formula

Also ensure that you don't select the Track ineligible check box at the program and plan level.

Eligibility rules aren't working as expected In the Benefits Service Center, on the Override Enrollment page, check the Override Through Date field to see if this person's eligibility or ineligibility for the option-in-plan remains in force for an indefinite period of time regardless of changes to this person's derivable or temporal information.