Implementation Considerations for Moving Back the Effective Start Date of Options-in-Plan

You can move back the effective start date of the options and options-in-plan.

If you configured a wrong effective start date for an option-in-plan, the participants don’t see the option-in-plan during enrollment because it isn’t active on that date. In such cases, you need to make the option-in-plan inactive and create a new option-in-plan with the correct start date for using it in the plan design. You need to consider these points before correcting the effective start date of option-in-plan:

  • You can move the effective start date of the option-in-plan to any date if both the plan and option are valid. For example, if the plan and option are valid till 20 December, 2021, you can move the start date of the option-in-plan till that date.
  • If the effective start date of the option-in-plan and plan or option is the same, you can’t move back the start date of option-in-plan.
  • The date change in option doesn’t affect the effective start date of option-in-plan. You need to change the date for the option-in-plan.
  • If the option-in-plan has child objects like option-in-plan-in-program, its effective start date also changes to the new start date of the option-in-plan.
  • When multiple date track records exist for an option in plan, the Change Effective Start Date action is allowed only on the first date track record.