Multiple Eligibility Profiles

For each eligibility profile that you add to an object, such as a benefit plan, there's a check box called Required that you can select.

If you select this check box, that means the participant needs to necessarily satisfy the criteria in that eligibility profile for them to be eligible for the object.

Only 1 Eligibility Profile

If you add just one eligibility profile, then all the criteria in that profile must be satisfied, even if you don't select the Required check box.

Multiple Eligibility Profiles, All Optional

Suppose you add multiple eligibility profiles and you don't select the Required check box for any of those profiles, the participant still needs to satisfy at least one of the profiles to be eligible for the object.

Multiple Eligibility Profiles, All Required

If you select the Required check box for all the profiles, then the participant must satisfy all of the profiles to be eligible for the object.

Multiple Eligibility Profiles, Some Optional, Some Required

Suppose you included multiple profiles for an object, and you selected the Required check box only for some of them. In this case, not only should the participant satisfy all the required profiles, they must satisfy at least one optional profile.