Plan Comparison Components

Here's a diagram that shows all the plan components that you can configure for comparison.

Plan comparison components
Plan comparison components

Here's a list of components that you can configure:

  1. Plan Comparison Values

    • Template Type

    • Template Type Group Name

    • Categories

    • Category Group Name

    • Options

    • Option Group Name

    • Feature Values

    • Feature Value Group Name

  2. Plan Comparison Template Value

    • Country

    • Template Type

    • Estimated Cost Period

    • Description

    • Template Name

    • Start and End Dates

    • Use groups to organize features

    • Use plan options

    • Use categories and Use features

    • Highlight

    • Feature Groups

    • Feature Title, Description

    • Options

    • Categories

    • Footnotes, Short Name

  3. Plan Value

    • Plan Comparison Template

    • Plan Name

    • Start and End Dates

    • Eligibility Profile

    • Insurance Provider Logo

    • Estimated Cost for Options

    • Highlights

    • Value

    • Footnotes