Setup Models to Enable Participants to Add Eligible Contacts in Self Service

When a participant adds a new contact as a dependent on the self-service pages, you need to understand how both your setup and administrator actions can affect the processing that happens subsequently.

Model 1: Setup with Family Member Rules

Here’s a table that outlines things you need to consider for this setup and the impact it has on processing.

Note: This setup doesn’t apply for unrestricted events because those type of events evaluate participant and dependent eligibility in each run, and you can run them daily.
Aspect Details
Plan Configuration work area You must set up family member rules for your program or plans. You set up family member rules to review eligibility on any changes in the family profile. These rules can exist at any one level in the hierarchy.
Self-service pages You need to consider these conditions:
  • The life event must be in the Started status. In other words, the enrolment window needs to be open in self-service.
  • The participant needs to create the new contact when the enrollment window is open.
  • The new contact’s relationship start date needs to be valid on the life event date.
  • The new contact needs to be a living, personal contact of the participant. The contact shouldn’t be awaiting approvals, if they were added from the Family and Emergency Contacts page.
  • The contact needs to satisfy any dependent eligibility criteria.
  • The participant needs to create the contact from the People to Cover page, not from the Family and Emergency Contacts page.
  • There shouldn’t be any past, unprocessed potential life events that can intervene in this process, as the application will always look for the earliest life event to process. So, if there are potential life events in the past, new contacts won’t be detected on the past event dates, hence the process will ignore the change in family members.
Impact on processing Here's what happens:
  • The application backs out and reprocesses the started life event. It recalculates eligibility due to the new family member additions in self-service flow.
  • The participant may become eligible to enroll into additional plan-options that weren’t available before they added the new contact.
  • Depending on your configuration, the newly added contact appears as an eligible dependent for the electable choices.

Model 2: Setup without Family Member Rules

Here’s a table that outlines things you need to consider for this setup and the impact it has on processing. The key difference in this model is that it doesn’t back out and reprocess events when new dependents are available.

Note: Like in Model 1, this model too doesn’t apply for unrestricted events.
Aspect Details
Plan Configuration work area You need to consider these rules:
  • Make sure that there are no family member rules for your program or plans.
  • You must select the Allow new contacts to be added as eligible dependents check box.
Self service pages The conditions that apply for Model 1 apply here too. You need to make sure that the electable choices are configured to allow dependent designations for newly eligible dependents.
Impact on processing Here's what happens:
  • The application doesn’t back out and reprocess the started life event.
  • No new enrolment opportunities are created. Only new eligible dependents are made available for valid enrollment opportunities.
  • Any enrolment opportunities that were offered during the enrollment window remain unchanged.