Use HSDL to Upload Participant Enrollments and Designations

You can use the seeded HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader (HSDL) spreadsheets to upload participant enrollments and designate dependents and beneficiaries.

These spreadsheets are available in the Data Exchange work area. Ensure that the life event for the enrollment that you are uploading is in the started status.

To use these spreadsheets, you must install the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Add-in for Excel:

HSDL Spreadsheets to Upload Participant Enrollments and Designations

Spreadsheet Name Supported Operations in the Spreadsheet Business Objects and User Keys

Participant Enrollment Upload

Create and update

  • Participant Enrollment: Person Number
  • Compensation Object: Person Number, Line Number

Designate Dependent

Create and update

  • Dependent Enrollment: Person Number
  • Designate Dependent: Person Number, Line Number

Designate Beneficiary

Create and update

  • Beneficiary Enrollment: Person Number
  • Designate Beneficiary: Person Number, Line Number