Legal Authorities

A legal authority is a government or legal body charged with powers to make laws, levy and collect fees and taxes, and remit financial appropriations for a given jurisdiction. Use the Manage Legal Authorities task to create legal authorities.

It's optional to define legal authorities for China. To define legal authorities:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, do the following:

    • Offering: Workforce Deployment

    • Functional Area: Legal Structures

    • Task: Manage Legal Authorities

    Expand the entry to display a list of related tasks.

  2. On the Manage Legal Authorities page, click Create.

  3. On the Create Legal Authority page:

    • Select the Tax Authority Type based on the type of interaction. Typically, this is set to Collecting and reporting.

    • Add one or more addresses.

    • Add one or more legislative categories, such as, Income tax, Public housing fund, Social insurance, Enterprise annuity, or Supplementary public housing fund. This establishes a link between the legal authority and all jurisdictions associated with the selected legislative category.

    • Click Save and Close.