Payroll Calculation Information

When you create an element, the Manage Elements task generates the rules and definitions required to calculate an earnings or deduction amount. For all types of elements, these rules and definitions include elements, formulas, and processing rules.

This topic explains the additional rules and definitions generated for certain classifications and categories of elements, such as involuntary deductions, absence information, and time card entries.

These rules and definitions exist within the following components:

  • Elements

  • Payroll components

  • Calculation factors

  • Calculation value definitions

  • Calculation components

The following figure shows the relationship between the payroll calculation information held at the legislative data group level and the values you can enter on a personal calculation card.

Note: You can also create calculation cards for a specific tax reporting unit (TRU) or payroll statutory unit (PSU) to capture information such as an employer's contribution rate.
Relationship between payroll calculation information and personal calculation card

Task Summary

This table summarizes the purpose of each type of calculation information and the task you can use to view or edit it.

Calculation Information




Elements specify how and when an earnings or deduction should be processed. When you create an element, several related elements are typically created with the same name prefix. You can view the related elements and other generated items on the Element Summary page, including:

  • Status processing rule - specifies the formula that processes the element entries

  • Input values - values that can be entered for, or returned from, the calculation

After creating an element:

  • You must add eligibility rules

  • You may want to add:

    • Input values

    • Status processing rules

    • Frequency rules

    • Balance feeds

Use the Manage Elements task to create elements and to view the generated elements and related items.

Payroll components

A payroll component is a group of rates and rules that the payroll run uses to calculate values for earnings and deductions.

When you create elements for Absences, the element template creates a payroll component with the same name.

You can view payroll components using the Absences predefined component group.

Use the Manage Payroll Calculation Information task to view payroll components and their associated rules.

Calculation value definitions

Calculation value definitions store calculation rates and rules, which may vary based on other criteria.

You can use the Manage Calculation Value Definitions UI to view the product-level value definitions. For example, you can use this UI to view the Individual Income Tax Table in Annual Amounts.

The calculation value definition controls which calculation values are enterable on a calculation card.

Calculation components

Calculation components are individual calculations captured on a calculation card. When an Absences element template creates a payroll component, it also creates calculation component definitions with the same name as the element. When an absence gets recorded for a person, the component instances and absence information will be created for that person, and you can view this information using the Manage Calculation Cards task.

Use the Manage Calculation Cards task to enter calculation components for a person.