Apply Name Formats to Person Names, Keywords, and LDAP

When you change a person name format, the change isn't reflected in person records until you run the Apply Name Formats to Person Names, Keywords, and LDAP job set.

The job set includes these required child processes so you just need to run the parent process and not run these processes individually:

  • Apply Name Formats to Person Names

  • Send Personal Data for Multiple Users to LDAP

  • Update Search Person Keywords

How the Process Works

When you run the process, this is what happens:

  1. The Apply Name Formats to Person Names process is first executed.

  2. The Update Search Person Keywords and Send Personal Data for Multiple Users to LDAP processes are then executed in parallel.

Let's say the Apply Name Formats to Person Names job set is executed successfully in the first step but either the Update Search Person Keywords or the Send Personal Data for Multiple Users to LDAP processes fails in the second step. The parent process and the child processes that failed are marked as failed. The successful processes are implemented, failed jobs aren't.

When the Apply Name Formats to Person Names, Keywords and LDAP job set is running, you can't schedule or run the Apply Name Formats to Person Names, Send Personal Data for Multiple Users to LDAP, and Update Search Person Keywords processes independently.

How You Run the Process

You run the job set from the Scheduled Processes task using these steps.

  1. Navigate to Tools > Scheduled Processes.

  2. Click Schedule a Process.

  3. Select Job set and search for Apply Name Formats to Person Names, Keywords and LDAP.

  4. Click OK

  5. Select each job and enter the parameters.

  6. Click OK

Apply Name Formats to Person Names

This process applies the name formats for Display Name, Full Name, List Name, and Order Name based on the corresponding name format defined.

Parameters usage:

  • Format Type
    • Name format type to be applied
      • Display Name
      • Full Name
      • List Name
      • Order Name
  • Country
    • Modifies the name format for the specific country

For more information about this process, see When does the application update stored names with a person name format?

Best Practices for Applying Name Formats on Person Names

Here are some best practices for applying name formats on person names.


You must run the Apply Name Formats to Person Names job only manually. You can run it for these scenarios:

  • If the name format is changed
  • If a new language is installed
  • After P2T and data masking


Don’t schedule the Apply Name Formats to Person Names job to run regularly. Unless there’s a valid reason to apply a name format, a schedule will simply do redundant processing.