Directory and Organization Chart Lookups

This topic identifies common lookups that are Directory and My Team-related and have user configuration levels. Review these lookups, and update them as appropriate to suit enterprise requirements.

You review lookups using the Manage Common Lookups task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Directory and Organization Chart Lookups

Lookup Type Description Configuration Level
ORA_HRL_DIR_ADV_SEARCH_SORT Sort options displayed for sorting workers in the Directory Advanced Search page. User
ORA_HRL_DIR_ORG_CHART_SORT Sort options for displayed sorting workers in the Organization Chart page. User
ORA_HRL_ORG_PRINT_ATTR_GEN Attributes that can be selected by a general user when printing the organization chart. User
ORA_HRL_ORG_PRINT_ATTR_ADMIN Attributes that can be selected by an administrator when printing the organization chart. User
ORA_HRL_ORG_PRINT_FORMAT_ADMIN File formats that can be selected by an administrator when printing the organization chart. User

My Team Lookups

Lookup Type Description Configuration Level
ORA_HRL_MYTEAM_OVERVIEW_SORT Sort options displayed for sorting workers in the My Team Overview page. User
ORA_HRL_MYTEAM_POS_SORT Sort options displayed for sorting positions in the My Team page. User