Guidelines for Synchronizing Person Records

This topic lists the guidelines you need to follow when running the Synchronize Person Records process.

Batch Load Processing

  • After every batch load of workers, run the process with From Date and To Date values covering the date range when workers were loaded and After Batch Load = Y to process all workers that were loaded. This is required because the ChangedPersonDetails event isn’t raised for the loaded workers during HDL load.
  • Run this process immediately after loading the data using HDL, HSDL or any other loaders. However, if data loading has to be done multiple times in a day, it’s recommended to run the process after the execution of the final load.
  • Run this process with From Date and To Date parameters as start date of data load and completion date of data load respectively.
  • The After Batch Load parameter must be set to Yes, if the process is run after a data upload using HDL or HSDL or any other data loader that suppresses the events. Otherwise, set the parameter to No.

Submit the process for a given date only once

  • Synchronize Person Records process generates events to inform TCA application about the changes to person and corresponding assignment records.
  • Larger the number of events raised, heavier the processing by TCA application in SOA server. To avoid unnecessary and duplicate processing, it’s strongly recommended to run this process only once for a given date range. Hence:
    • Schedule once a day with no values for From Date and To Date, and After Batch Load = N at the start of each day to process future dated employees and contingent workers becoming active that day.
    • You may optionally schedule the job to run once a day at the end of the day with no date parameter values and After Batch Load = Y. This schedule will pick up all person records loaded that day and may not have been processed already.

Submit only one instance of the process at any given time

  • At any given time, only one instance of this process must be running
  • If the process is already in running state, then don’t submit the process again
  • If a second instance of the process is submitted by mistake, cancel it immediately and let the first one complete.