Person-Record Keyword Searches

The application searches for keywords in these attributes: department, person number, job name and code, position name and code, person name, primary email, primary phone, work location, competencies, language skills, licenses and certifications, school education, awards and honors, memberships, interest areas, and areas of expertise.

Access to Restricted Information

Line managers can access their workers' restricted information such as competencies, language skills, licenses and certifications, school education, awards and honors, and affiliations. Restricted information is included in search results when the searcher is a line manager. For example, if a line manager searches for a language skill and a match is found in any direct or indirect reports, that information appears in the search results. However, if the match is found in public information such as areas of expertise, it appears in the search results for any user.

Keyword Indexing

Keywords are indexed values, which means that they're copied from person records and organized in a keywords table for fast retrieval. Most changes to person records are copied to ensure that the source and indexed values don't differ. Your enterprise can also run a keyword-refresh process to update all keywords and fix any discrepancies. Depending on when this process was last run, some recent changes to person records may not appear in search results.

Name and Keyword Search

The person search uses a person's full name instead of the first name or last name. The full name definition may vary for each country. For example, the full name definition for India may be First Name Middle Name Last Name, while the full name definition for Canada may be First Name Known As Last Name Suffix. You control the definition of the full name using the Manage Person Name Formats task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

There's an implied OR condition between the search criteria when you use keyword search. When you use the name search, there's an implied AND condition between the search criteria For example, when you enter Chris Harper in the Name field, all person records that have both Chris and Harper in the full name are shown in the search results. Here are some examples:

You enter...

Search Results

Harper Chris

  • Jenner, Chris

  • Harper, Smith

  • Chris, Ray

  • Harper, Liam

  • Harper, Chris

  • Harper, Christopher

Chris Harper

  • Jenner, Chris

  • Harper, Smith

  • Chris, Ray

  • Harper, Liam

  • Harper, Chris

  • Harper, Christopher


  • Jenner, Chris

  • Black, Chris

  • Blake, Christopher

  • Simpson, Christy

  • Harper, Chris

  • Harper, Christopher

  • Christ Johnson


  • Jenner, Chris

  • Black, Chris

  • Harper, Chris

"Chris Harper"

  • Harper, Chris

Chris and Harper

  • Harper, Chris

"Chris" "Harper"

  • Harper, Chris

Date-Effective Search

In the person search UI, you can enter an effective as-of date. When date-effective values such as work location are copied to the keywords table, their history isn't copied: only the latest change is stored in the keywords table. Therefore, if you enter both a keyword value and an effective as-of date, the search results may not be as expected. Here's an example:

  • You change the work location of assignment 12345 from Headquarters to Regional Office on 27 January, 2011.

  • The changed work location is copied automatically to the keywords table on 27 January, 2011.

  • You search for a person on 1 February, 2011 using the keyword Headquarters and the effective as-of date 10 January, 2011.

Although the work location on 10 January, 2011 was Headquarters, assignment 12345 doesn't appear in the search results because the work location stored in the keywords table at the time of the search is Regional Office.