Work Schedule Types Supported by Oracle HCM Cloud Applications

You define availability details for a period using work schedules. Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM applications support only time and elapsed work schedules.

You create these schedules using the Work Schedules task in the Setup and Maintenance work area. It's part of the Workforce Deployment offering, Workforce Information functional area.

Note: For people with multiple assignments, assign work schedules of the same type to their assignments so that absence durations calculate correctly.


A time work schedule has a fixed work day pattern and anyone assigned the schedule is available for specific hours each day. For example, you want an 8-hour schedule for 5 days of the week. You create a time work schedule that starts at 8:00a and ends at 5:00p, Monday through Friday.


An elapsed work schedule doesn't have fixed start or end times for anyone assigned the schedule. Instead, they're available for a specific number of hours each day--a specific duration. For example, everyone works 8 hours a day, Monday through Friday. Some people might start work at 9:00a and others at 11:00a. Some people might work in 2-hour bands with an hour or more of nonwork time between. And some people might work during the night. It doesn't matter as long as they work their assigned duration.