Considerations for Creating Task Groups in Journeys

Here are some points you need to consider when creating a task group:

  • You can configure task groups only on the setup side in the Checklist Templates page. This isn’t possible in the Journeys app.
  • You can’t add a task group to an assigned journey or when creating a personal journey.
  • You can’t add a task group to a journey template that has the Processing Mode as BI Publisher based notification.
  • Task groups that you reuse across journey templates work on the basis of reference. When you update a task group, the changes reflect in all journey templates where the task group is used.
  • The Task Group name you configure doesn’t display to users when a journey template that includes that task group is assigned to them in Journeys.
  • A journey template can have multiple task groups. But you can’t create a task group within a task group.
  • You can’t configure task dependency between tasks in one group and tasks in a different task group. However, you can configure dependency between 2 task groups, say you have 2 task groups – task group A and task group B, you can configure task group B to get activated only when task group A is completed.
  • You can’t assign a standalone task group to a user. A task group needs to be part of a journey template.
  • A task group is supported as a part of a journey template in these operations:
    • Export and Import functionality to export or import a task group.
    • HDL support is scheduled for a future release.
  • You can't create a task group in these journey categories:
    • Enterprise Onboarding
    • Enterprise Onboarding Step
    • Guided Journeys
    • Survey Journeys