Deep Links in Journeys

You can use deep links to open specific Journeys pages without navigating through the menu structure. Users can simply click those links to go directly to the application pages they need to use, without any additional clicks or navigation.


You can find all of the available deep links in the Deep Links work area. Some deep links, such as those assigned the NONE action, are ready to use as is. Other deep links, such as those assigned the VIEW action, require you to edit the link details before you can use them. This table summarizes the different parameters used across multiple deep links.

Parameter Type Description
tab String The tabs that appear on the Journeys app.
searchTerm String Search string. Search terms will vary based on the tab being referenced.
pageName String The only values supported are exploreJourneys, myJourneys and journeyDetails.
category String Category of the journey. For example, ONBOARD, ORA_PERSON, ORA_SURVEY and so on. If category parameter isn’t passed, journeys of all categories are displayed.
subCategory String

Lookup code for the Survey Subcategory lookup. These are the only values supported for the subcategory parameter when the category parameter is ORA_SURVEY.


status String

These are the only values supported for the Status parameter.

  • ORA_OPEN - indicates all open assigned journeys.
  • ORA_CLOSED - indicates all completed assigned journeys.

If Status parameter isn’t passed, both open and completed assigned journeys display.

journeyCode String Unique alphanumeric identifier for the journey template. This is auto generated based on the journey name when the journey template is created and displayed in the journey template page.
journeyId Number Unique numeric identifier for the journey template.
checklistCode String Unique alphanumeric identifier for the journey template. This is auto generated based on the journey name when the journey template is created and displayed in the journey template page.
checklistStatus String

These are the only values supported for the Status parameter.

  • ORA_OPEN - indicates all open assigned journeys.
  • ORA_CLOSED - indicates all completed assigned journeys.
If Status parameter isn’t passed, both open and completed assigned journeys display.
personal String This parameter controls the rendering of the Personal filter chip on the Explore tab in journeys.
These are the only values supported for the personal parameter:
  • True – If the parameter value is set to true, the Personal filter chip is selected by default when you visit the Explore tab on journeys for the first time.
  • False - If the parameter value is set to false, the Personal filter chip isn’t selected when you visit the Explore tab on journeys for the first time.
  • Hide - If the parameter value is set to hide, the Personal filter chip is hidden when you visit the Explore tab on journeys for the first time.

If any of the parameter values is passed, then it is honoured. If no value is passed, then the Personal filter chip is applied by default.

showCreate String This parameter controls the rendering of the Create Journey button on the Explore tab in journeys.
These are the only values supported for the showCreate parameter:
  • True - If the parameter value is set to true, the Create Journey button is displayed on the Explore tab in journeys.
  • False - If the parameter value is set to false, the Create Journey button isn’t displayed on the Explore tab in journeys.

Deep Links by Use Case

This table lists the deep links by use case. Replace the <server_host> with details of your pod.

Deep Link Purpose Parameters
  1. https://<server_host>/fscmUI/redwood/worker-journeys/journey?tab=<tab_name>

Go to a specific tab in Journeys.

For example, create a landing page deep link that shows all journey templates on the Explore tab

  • tab=explore
  • tab=myJourneys
  • tab=myTasks
  • tab=assignedJourneys
  • tab=activity
  1. https://<server_host>/fscmUI/redwood/worker-journeys/journey?tab=<tab_name>&searchTerm=<search_term>

Land on a specific tab with the search prepopulated with the searchTerm parameter value.

For example, create a landing page deep link that shows all journey templates on the Explore tab where journey name starts with ‘Onboard’.

  • For Explore tab, searchTerm parameter value supports journey name
  • For My Journeys tab, searchTerm parameter value supports journey name
  • For My Tasks tab, searchTerm parameter value supports task name
  • For Assigned Journeys tab, searchTerm parameter value supports journey name or person name

  • For Activity tab, searchTerm parameter value supports journey name

This parameter works only in conjunction with the tab parameter.

  1. https://<server host>/fscmUI/redwood/worker-journeys/journey/journey-redirect?pageName=exploreJourneys&category=<Category_Code>
  2. https://<server host>/fscmUI/redwood/worker-journeys/journey/journey-redirect?pageName=exploreJourneys&category=<Category_Code>&subCategory=<SubCategory_Code> 
Land on a specific tab with journeys filtered by a specific category or a sub-category. pageName=exploreJourneys

This pageName parameter works only in conjunction with parameter of category=<Category_Code> or subCategory=<Subcategory_code>

  1. https://<server host>/fscmUI/redwood/worker-journeys/journey/journey-redirect?pageName=myJourneys&category=<Category_Code>
  2. https://<server host>/fscmUI/redwood/worker-journeys/journey/journey-redirect?pageName=myJourneys&category=<Category_Code>&subCategory=<SubCategory_Code>
  3. https://<server host>/fscmUI/redwood/worker-journeys/journey/journey-redirect?pageName=myJourneys&category=<Category_Code>&subCategory=<SubCategory_Code>&status=<Status_Code>
  4. https://<server host>/fscmUI/redwood/worker-journeys/journey/journey-redirect?pageName=myJourneys&category=<Category_Code>&status=<Status_Code>
  5. https://<server host>/fscmUI/redwood/worker-journeys/journey/journey-redirect?pageName=myJourneys&journeyCode=<Journey_Code>
  6. https://<server host>/fscmUI/redwood/worker-journeys/journey/journey-redirect?pageName=myJourneys&journeyCode=<Journey_Code>&status=<Status_Code>
Directly list assigned journeys of a specific category, sub-category, journey code and statuses for the signed-in user on the My Journeys tab. pageName=myJourneys

This pageName parameter works only in conjunction with parameters of category=<Category_Code> or subCategory=<Subcategory_code> or status=<Status_Code> or journeyCode=<Journey_Code>

  1. https://<server_host>/fscmUI/redwood/worker-journeys/journey/journey-redirect?pageName=journeyDetails&journeyCode=<Journey_Code>
Directly view details of a specific journey and use the allowed actions to assign the journey to themselves or to others pageName=journeyDetails

This pageName parameter works only in conjunction with parameter of journeyCode=<Journey_Code>

  1. https://<server_host>/fscmUI/redwood/worker-journeys/journey/journey-details?journeyId=<Journey_id>
Directly view details of a specific journey and use the allowed actions to assign the journey to themselves or to others. journeyId=<Journey_id>
  1. https://<server_host>/fscmUI/faces/deeplink?objType=EMP_CHECKLIST&action=NONE&objKey=checklistCode=<Journey_Code>
  2. https://<server_host>/fscmUI/faces/deeplink?objType=EMP_CHECKLIST&action=NONE&objKey=checklistCode=<Journey_Code>;checklistStatus=<Status_Code>
View the latest assigned journey of a specific recurring journey or survey



  1. https://<server_host>/fscmUI/redwood/worker-journeys/journey/journey-redirect?pageName=exploreJourneys&category=ONBOARD&personal=false
Directly view the Explore tab on journeys without the Personal filter chip applied when you visit the page for the first time.




  1. https://<server_host>/fscmUI/redwood/worker-journeys/journey/journey-redirect?pageName=exploreJourneys&category=ONBOARD&showCreate=false
Directly view the Explore tab on journeys without the Create Journey button being displayed when you visit the page for the first time.


