How You Configure the URL for an External URL Task Type in Journeys

There are two methods available to configure the URL for an external URL task type.

You can use either of these methods:

  • Provide a static URL

  • Register the link to an application using the Manage Integration of Additional Applications feature in Setup and Maintenance.

Provide a Static URL

Provide the URL to an external portal. Additionally, you can include optional parameters using the format parameter name={parameter value}

You can use any of these optional parameters in your URL:

  1. TrustToken: This is the bearer token. The client can send this token in the Authorization header when making requests to protected REST resources.

  2. AllocatedChecklistId: Unique identifier of the journey assigned to the person.

  3. AllocatedTaskId: Unique identifier of the task within the journey assigned to the person.

  4. PersonId: Person identifier of the person to whom the journey is assigned.

Use the prefix ? before the first optional parameter followed by '&' before additional parameters.

For example, the URL could be something like this:

The data will be base64 encoded in the URL and needs to be decoded.

Open URL on Same Page

You can select the Open URL on the same page option when you configure the task. When you configure this option, you can access the external URL on the same journey page instead of a new browser window.

Here are a few points to consider:
  • The configuration option is available when you add an External URL task in the Task library.
  • The configuration option isn’t available for guided journeys. The external URL in a guided journey task will open in a new browser window.
  • The configuration option isn’t available when you create an External URL task type using Add Task in Journeys. The external URL in a journey task will open in a new browser window.
  • Use the browser back button to return to your journey task.

Use Application Integration Link

You can register the link to an external application and give it a user-friendly Application Name and specify the Full URL for the site that you can use in multiple external URL tasks.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, click Manage Setup Content from the Tasks panel tab.

  2. On the Manage Setup Content page, click Manage Integration of Additional Applications.

  3. On the Manage Integration of Additional Applications page, click Actions and then Create.

  4. Enter the application details in the relevant fields. Ensure that the information you provide is complete and accurate.

    • Begin the URL with http:// or https://

    • The Full URL should contain the context root.

      For example, it should be and not just

  5. Provide correct access credentials for the selected security policy.

    You can't edit the Application Name once you save the details.

  6. Click Save and Close

You can use the Application Name, configured in the previous steps when configuring your External URL task type.

Use the following syntax for the URL {application:<application_name>}. For example, {application:myOracleHome} where myOracleHome is the configured application name.

If you have multiple tasks pointing to the same external site, you can use the same syntax as the URL for those tasks. When there is a change to the external site address, you must update the Full URL for the required Application Integration. You don't need to update individual journey tasks.