How You Schedule Surveys in Journeys

When you create a survey journey, you need to specify its recurrence frequency to decide when the survey should start and end and how many times the survey should run within this specific period.

In addition, you need to specify key attributes.

Configure Attributes

  1. On the application home page, click the My Client Groups tab.
  2. Click Show More after the list of quick actions.
  3. Click the Checklist Templates quick action in the Employment area.
  4. Search and select the survey journey.
  5. Click the Schedule Allocation tab.
  6. Select the recurrence frequency of the survey by selecting the required option from the Repeat field. If you want to create a survey with a custom frequency that's not daily, weekly, or monthly, select Specific.
  7. Complete the fields for each of these recurring frequencies:
    • Day - Daily frequency
    • Week – Weekly frequency
    • Calendar month - Monthly frequency
    • Year - Yearly frequency
    • Specific - Specific frequency
  8. In the Number of Runs Per Period field, specify how often you want the survey engine to run during a period so that the survey gets assigned to new people in the target population. For example, let's say you scheduled a monthly survey for the 1st of every month. If you selected the option Every day of the period, the survey engine will run every day of the month, identify new people who join at any time during the month, and assign the survey to them. But if you selected Once per period, the survey engine will run only once, on the 1st of the month, and will assign the survey to new people only in the next month.
  9. Enter the analysis period. To specify an analysis period of 4 weeks, select 4 from the first list, and Weeks from the second list.
  10. Enter the threshold score value.
  11. Click Generate. The Period Summary section displays the start and end dates of each period in the selected frequency. Employees can access the survey any time during each of these periods. If you want to make changes to the number of occurrences or the survey end dates, click Generate again to refresh the period list.
    Note these points:
    • You can't generate periods for a custom survey that has the frequency type as Specific. In this case, you have to manually enter the start and end dates for each period.
    • You can't assign the survey on dates outside of the generated periods. If you want to add such dates, you need to change the frequency type to Specific and manually add those dates.
    • If you don't want to run the survey on certain dates, say for example weekends or holidays, you can clear the Active check box next to those dates in the Period Summary section.
    • You can clear or select the Active check box next to a period only if its start date is on or after today's date and the survey engine hasn't already run for today's date.
  12. Click Save.

The survey is assigned to the target population at 12 AM UTC time of each survey period's start date.

After you've created the survey and assigned it to employees, you can extend the survey for a longer period in the same recurrence frequency. To do this, edit the checklist template task and change the end date of the last period in the survey, if the survey hasn't already been assigned during that period. However, if you want to change the recurrence frequency from daily to weekly, it's recommended that you end the daily frequency or make it inactive and create a new checklist template task for the weekly frequency.

Daily Frequency

Complete the fields for daily recurrence as shown in this table:

Field Value Sub Value
Start On Specify the start date of the survey.
Repeat Day
End Recurrence Option 1: End the survey after a specific number of occurrences. Specify the number of occurrences.
Option 2: End the survey on a specific date. Enter the end date.

Monthly Frequency

Complete the fields for monthly recurrence as shown in this table:
Field Value Sub Value
Start On Specify the start date of the survey.
Repeat Calendar month
Repeat on This Day Option 1: Repeat on a specific date in the month.
Option 2: Repeat on a specific day of the month. For example, the first Monday of every month.
End Recurrence Option 1: End the survey after a specific number of occurrences. Specify the number of occurrences.
Option 2: End the survey on a specific date. Enter the end date.

Yearly Frequency

Complete the fields for yearly recurrence as shown in this table:
Field Value Sub Value
Start On Specify the start date of the survey.
Repeat Year
Repeat in This Month Select the month on which you want to send the survey every year.
Repeat on This Day Option 1: Repeat on a specific date in the month.
Option 2: Repeat on a specific day of the month. For example, the first Monday of every month.
End Recurrence Option 1: End the survey after a specific number of occurrences. Specify the number of occurrences.
Option 2: End the survey on a specific date. Enter the end date.

Specific Frequency

Let's say you want to create a survey every alternate day of the week, you need to create a custom frequency. Complete the fields as shown in this table:
Field Value Sub Value
Start On Specify the start date of the survey.
Repeat Specific
End Recurrence Option 1: End the survey after a specific number of occurrences. Specify the number of occurrences.
Option 2: End the survey on a specific date. Enter the end date.

Note that for a custom frequency, clicking Generate won't create the start and end dates in the Period Summary section. You need to manually add each period of occurrence and specify the start and end dates. In this example, you will add alternate days of each week that you want to run the survey for.

Notify Employees When a Survey is Assigned

Here's how you can notify employees when the survey is assigned to them:
  1. Click the Display Settings tab.
  2. Select the Send notification on checklist allocation check box. This sends notifications for each time the survey is assigned to employees in the configured recurrence frequency.
  3. If you want to send a notification to the assignee when the HR specialist or manager decides to manually mark the survey as complete, you can select the Send notification when checklist is force completed check box.

These notifications appear in the employees' worklist when they click the Notifications icon in the global header.