How You Secure Journey Template Operations

You can use Journey Template Operations on the Security tab during setup to control journey template operations per journey template.

Depending on the access, you provide to a role, users with that role will be able to perform those actions. This table summarizes the key points related to securing journey template operations using a use case:
Security Configuration Options Where You Can Do This Configuration Determines Which Page is Impacted Use Case
Journey Template Specific template > Security tab > Journey Template Operations > Configure Journey check box Controls which roles can manage this journey Checklists Template setup page and Create Journey in Journeys app Onboarding Journey should only be managed by a HR specialist.
Specific template > Security tab > Journey Template Operations > Explore check box Determines which roles can view this journey Explore tab on Journeys app and Allocate Checklists page Grow Your Career journey should be viewed by employee.
Specific template > Security tab > Journey Template Operations > Assign to Self check box Controls which roles can assign this journey to themselves Specific journey from the Explore tab Employee should be able to self-assign Grow My Career journey.
Specific template > Security tab > Journey Template Operations > Assign to Others check box Controls which roles can assign this journey to people in their person security profile

Specific journey from the Explore tab and Allocate Checklists page

Line manager should be able to assign Performance Review journey for their team.