Journey Completion Criteria

You can set the criterion for completing journeys.

Here's how the criteria impacts completion of journeys:

The journey is marked completed automatically if it meets the specified criteria. Select a criterion to determine when the journey will be marked complete:
  • All mandatory tasks completed: When all mandatory tasks in the journey are completed, the journey status is set to completed.
  • All mandatory and optional tasks completed: When all mandatory and optional tasks are completed, the journey status is set to completed.
  • All mandatory tasks done, offset elapsed for optional tasks: The journey is completed only when all mandatory tasks are completed. If there are incomplete optional tasks, the journey is completed based on the offset period.
Here are some points to consider:
  • A journey is automatically completed when it's tasks are completed or expired.
  • A journey can't be manually marked as complete. However, you can use the Force Complete option to forcefully mark the journey as complete. For example, you may mark an onboarding journey as force completed because the employee didn't join the organization.