Journey Profile Options

Use the Manage Administrator Profile Values task in the Setup and Maintenance work area to manage journey profile options.

You can configure these journey-related profile options as required, to meet your requirements.

Profile Option Code

Profile Display Name

Default Profile Value


ORA_HCM_ESIGN_URL Provider URL for DocuSign Not applicable, no longer in use Enables you to provide the Provider URL for DocuSign.
ORA_PER_CHECKLIST_ACTION_PURGE_BEFORE_DAYS Purge Duration for Checklist Action Occurrence Records

180 days

Specify the duration in days prior to which existing journey action occurrence records should be deleted.


Thread Idle Time During Asynchronous Web Service Checklist Allocation in Journeys

300 sec

Specify the idle time for threads during asynchronous web service journey allocation in Journeys.


Maximum Threads Allowed During Asynchronous Web Service Checklist Allocation in Journeys


Specify the maximum number of threads to be used during asynchronous web service journey allocation in Journeys.

ORA_PER_CHECKLIST_DEFER_DOCUSIGN_CREATION Defer DocuSign Document Creation on Checklist Allocation Enabled N Enable the creation of DocuSign document to be deferred during journey allocation. If you want to defer the creation of the document to be signed in DocuSign until the time the performer initiates the DocuSign journey task, set the profile value to Y.


Defer I9 Creation on Checklist Allocation Enabled N

Enables the creation of I-9 to be deferred during journey allocation.

An I-9 document is created in HireRight when the journey is allocated. If you want to defer the creation of the I-9 document until the time the employee accesses the I-9 task, set the value to Y.


Disable Checklist and Task Alert Notifications


Disables alert notifications for journey and task.


Enable Asynchronous Checklist Allocation


Enable asynchronous allocation of journeys in responsive pages and REST services.


Checklist Email Notifications Enabled


If you set this site-level profile option to Y, journey email notifications are sent to a pending worker's home email address in addition to their user account email.

For more information, see How You Enable Checklist Email Notifications During Preboarding.

ORA_PER_CHECKLIST_USE_OAUTH_IN_DOCUSIGN Enable OAuth for DocuSign N Enable OAuth based authentication for DocuSign integration in journeys.


Common Integration Key for DocuSign Enabled


If you set this site-level option to N, it enables the integration key field on the configuration page.

ORA_PER_CHECKLIST_USE_PRODUCTION_OAUTH_DOCUSIGN Production Account for OAuth DocuSign Integration Enabled Y Enable the production OAuth Account to be used for DocuSign integration in production environments.


Enabled Add Properties for Checklist Task


If you set this site-level option to Y, it displays the Notification Overrides, Display Properties, and Reminders sections in the Add Task or Edit Task responsive pages.

This profile option isn't applicable for Journeys (VBCS) pages.

ORA_PER_CHK_ENABLE_I9_CALLBACK I9 Call Back Enabled N Enable I-9 call back to update the I-9 and task status.
ORA_PER_CHK_ENABLE_I9_USERREF_CHANGE Update of User Reference Enabled for I9 Section 2 N If you set this site-level option to Y, the User Reference for Section 2 field in the Configure Checklist Integration page displays the Person Identifier and Person Number values in addition to the default Primary Email value.
ORA_PER_CHK_OPA_ENDPOINT Specify Application Name for Oracle Process Automation End Point ORA_PROCESS_AUTOMATION_APP Specify the application name for Oracle Process Automation end point either as ORA_PROCESS_AUTOMATION_APP or ORA_DIGITAL_ASSISTANT_APP
ORA_PER_CONTEXTUAL_JOURNEYS_ENABLED Enable Contextual Journeys N Enable contextual journeys user interface.
ORA_PER_NUDGE_PROCESS_JOURNEYS_ENABLED Assigning Journeys to Nudge Recipients Enabled N Enable the Nudges ESS process to assign journeys to recipients.
ORA_PER_GUIDED_JOURNEYS_ENABLED Enable Guided Journeys N Enable the user interface for guided journeys.


Journeys Archive Duration 12 Specify the duration in months after which journeys should be archived.

If you don’t specify a value at the journey template level then this profile value is used for archiving.

ORA_PER_JOURNEY_DEFAULT_SEARCH Filter Option for Assigned Journeys ALL Specify whether to filter assigned journeys by all or direct reports. The possible values are:
  • All
  • Directs - Show only directs for the Organization filter.
  • None - Doesn't display results without a search term.


Journeys Count Display Disabled

Hide journey counts and show only categories in use

The possible profile values are:
  • Hide journey category chip
  • Hide journey counts and show all categories
  • Hide journey counts and show only categories in use
  • Show journey counts


Redwood to Responsive Switch Enabled for Configurable Form Journey Task N Enable the display of the configurable form journey task from redwood to responsive page.


Journeys Purge Duration 12 Specify the duration in months after which journeys should be purged.

If you don’t specify a value at the journey template level then this profile value is used for purging.

ORA_PER_JOURNEY_SEARCH_CRITERIA Search Criteria for Assigned Journeys Journey name or person name Control the search criteria for the Assigned Journeys tab.
The possible profile values are:
  • Journey name or person name
  • Person name only
ORA_PER_JOURNEY_SECURITY_ENABLED Data Security for Journeys Enabled N Enable to apply data security to journey templates and assigned journeys.


GUID Usage for Journey Task Performers Enabled N Enable the usage of the Globally Unique Identifier GUID for the logged in user instead of their user name.


Journeys UI Enabled


If you set this site-level option to Y you can use Journeys to manage all journey categories be it predefined or user-defined from a single place. When you enable Journeys, the Onboarding and Checklists Tasks apps aren't available.

ORA_PER_JRNY_SEARCH_STARTSWITH Enable Search in Journeys Using StartsWith Y Enables search in Journeys pages by using the StartsWith criteria.
ORA_PER_NUDGE_PROCESS_JOURNEYS_ENABLED Assigning Journeys to Nudge Recipients Enabled N Enable the Nudges ESS process to assign journeys to recipients.


Assignee Type for SOA Based Journeys


Controls the values in the Selection Type list of values on the Assign Journey page.

You can select these types of assignees:

  • Person (default option)
  • Directs of a person. Directs refer to the immediate reportees of the selected person.
  • Organization of a person. Organization refers to the entire management hierarchy of the selected person.


Checklist Import Export Enabled


Enables the Import option in the Checklist Templates setup page. For information about creating the profile, see Create and Edit Profile Options in the Implementing Applications Guide.